Open Access News

US-china export controls, Huawei

New US-China export controls could backfire on US tech sector

Xiaomeng Lu, Senior Policy Manager for Asia & US at Access Partnership, examines new US-China export controls to dissect how China will retaliate.
remote systems

How are remote systems revolutionising modern businesses?

Change management specialists, Impact, explain how remote systems could be the future of how a lot of us work, detailing the benefits of remote working and how COVID-19 has forced this change to happen.
cybersecurity issues

Tackling cybersecurity issues in healthcare

Nic Sarginson, Sr. Solutions Engineer for UKI and RSA at Yubico, discusses the cybersecurity issues facing healthcare organisations and how the threat dynamics are expected to change over the coming 24 months.
land policies

An operational platform to reconcile agriculture and environmental protection in Europe

Fabio Terribile discusses the potential of LANDSUPPORT, a Horizon 2020 project showing a way to better manage our landscape and better implement European Union land policies.
detecting pain, pain

Chemistry: Microfluidic devices for detecting pain

Jay Sibbitts, Shu Jia, Obdulia Covarrubias-Zambrano, Stefan H. Bossmann and Christopher T Culbertson from Kansas State University’s Department of Chemistry walk us through what we need to know about microfluidic devices for detecting pain.
Hydrogen transport system

Hydrogen transport system: Practical steps towards net-zero

Mark Griffin, Hydrogen Market Development Manager, BOC, discusses what steps councils should take to develop a hydrogen transport system.
ESG investing

How will COVID-19 impact ESG investing long-term?

Prior to COVID-19, there was a massive spike in ESG investing, but as the global pandemic's wreaked havoc on global markets. Kerstin Engler, Senior Wealth Manager at Geneva Management Group, looks at how COVID-19 might impact ESG investing in the long term.
public sector procurement, COVID-19

COVID-19 has the potential to accelerate public sector procurement

Chris Proctor, CEO of Oneserve, discusses how this pandemic could actually accelerate public sector procurement.
future of remote working

Work from anywhere: What does the future of remote working look like?

Jon White, MD at InXpress, discusses what the future of remote working will look like post-COVID-19.
medical professionals

How can AI ease the strain on medical professionals in the NHS?

Mark Frankish, Data Scientist, SAS UK, discusses how AI and analytics can help to streamline the workload of doctors and medical professionals in the NHS and what needs to be done to implement this technology successfully.
Turkey and COVID-19, Erdoğan

Turkey and COVID-19: Success, turmoil, insecurity and opportunity

Dr Ahmet Erdi Öztürk, expert on Turkish politics, discusses the ongoing realities of Turkey and COVID-19.
Emergency response

Turning an emergency response into a strategic benefit using pseudonymisation

Here, Rob Fotheringham, Director of Fotheringham Associates, explains how pseudonymisation can allow organisations to utilise invaluable data received through the emergency response to COVID-19, to benefit future research and analysis.
sickness and absences

Managing sickness and absences during unprecedented times and beyond

Andy Shettle, Chief Product Officer of ER Tracker at Selenity, discusses how businesses can manage sickness and absences during the COVID-19 pandemic.
influenza strategy

WHO’s Influenza Strategy: Prevention, control, and preparedness

A group of experts from the World Health Organization explain the Global Influenza Strategy for 2019-2030 that charts the path towards greater global influenza prevention, control, and preparedness through 2030.
public and private transport

How has the COVID-19 crisis affected public and private transport?

Peter O’Driscoll, Managing Director, RingGo, discusses how the coronavirus lockdown has affected public and private transport and what the future holds for the mobility sector.
quarantine burnout

How can your employees avoid quarantine burnout?

Alexandra Anders, Talent Director at Cornerstone OnDemand, shares tips on how employees and organisations can spot the signs of quarantine burnout and how to avoid it.
small business

5 tips for surviving 2020 as a new small business owner

Ian Wright, Founder of Small Business Prices, provides his five tips on how to endure the pandemic and the rest of 2020 as a small business owner and protect your finances as much as possible.
causes of pain

Arthritis and related conditions: The biggest causes of pain in the UK

Stephen Simpson, Director of Research at Versus Arthritis, charts arthritis and related conditions, the biggest causes of pain in the UK today.
undermine LGBTQ rights, coronavirus

Are some governments using Coronavirus to undermine LGBTQ rights?

Philip Baldwin, LGBTQ activist, talks about how some governments could be using the mandate of Coronavirus measures to undermine LGBTQ rights.
global challenges

How are advanced materials part of the solution to our global challenges?

Philippe JACQUES, Managing Director of EMIRI, explores how advanced materials can be used to solve global challenges such as the current COVID-19 pandemic.

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