Open Access News

care guarantees

IPPR think tank proposes 5 care guarantees for healthcare workers

Dr Deborah Lee, Dr Fox Online Pharmacy, discusses the recommendations made by the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) which proposes 5 care guarantees to support health and social workers.
district heating

Energy consumption in buildings: Implementing district heating

In this energy consumption in buildings focus, the implementation of a district heating project in a residential area is described in detail by Erik Christiansen, CEO of EBO Consult A/S.
reverse vending technology

The role of reverse vending technology in a deposit return scheme

Truls Haug explains the role of reverse vending technology in deposit return schemes, ahead of the schemes set to be introduced in the UK over the coming years.
Informal public transport

Informal public transport: Frontline mobility heroes 

Devin de Vries, CEO, Where Is My Transport, explores how informal public transport networks around the globe are proving vital to moving frontline workers around during the COVID-19 crisis.

How IM&M suite can help you with the return to work

IM&M showcase their set of suite tools that are available for Landlords/Facilities Manager's and Occupiers to control how their buildings are being used.

Drones and Associated Products and Services framework for the public sector

Here, the 100% publicly owned YPO tells us what we need to know about the intriguing new Drones and Associated Products and Services framework for the emergency service and the wider public sector.
reopening the workplace

Reopening the workplace in Italy, Sweden and the United States

In this article, member firms of Ius Laboris, provide guidance on the main employment issues around both operating in the current crisis and reopening the workplace in Italy, Sweden and the United States.

Innovative technology for natural disasters and other crises

Mayank Kejriwal from the University of Southern California, discusses the role innovative technology can play when it comes to natural disasters and other crises.
brain diseases

Brain diseases at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic

Prof Monica Di Luca, President, European Brain Council, highlights the importance of continuous prioritisation and attention to brain research during the COVID-19 pandemic.
working environment

What will work look like after the pandemic?

IM&M discuss what work will look like after the coronavirus pandemic and what changes need to be made to our working environment.
frontline care workers

The role of technology in keeping frontline care workers safe during crisis

Steve Sawyer, managing director of Access Health & Social Care, explains how technology is helping care providers to protect the safety of frontline care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
curing hepatitis C

Drugs used for curing hepatitis C might also help against COVID-19

Several drugs used for curing hepatitis C have been identified as potential candidates to treat COVID-19, according to research conducted using the MOGON II supercomputer at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.
green agenda

Environment priorities in Denmark: Nature, climate and green agenda

Lea Wermelin, Minister for the Environment, Denmark, argues that if we want to lead the way, we have to start with ourselves when it comes to nature, climate and a green agenda.
insolvency process

How to manage an insolvency process

John Bell, director and founder of Clarke Bell, discusses how a company can manage an insolvency process when going out of business is the only option.
strain on the NHS

Intelligent automation technology can relieve strain on the NHS

James Loft, COO of Rainbird, discusses how intelligent automation technology can be used to relieve pressure and strain on the NHS during the COVID-19 pandemic.
casualty of COVID-19, data protection

Has data protection become another casualty of COVID-19?

Julian Hayes and Andrew Watson of the Data Protection team at BCL Solicitors consider if data protection has become another casualty of COVID-19.

What economic impact will COVID-19 have on investment?

Kenji Yamada, CIIA, Managing Director & CIO, Geneva Management Group, claims that opportunities will arise and investment confidence will return with medium-and long-term recoveries, mitigating COVID-19’s impact on the economy.
brexit and COVID, Angel Gurría

Adapting UK rulemaking to the new Brexit and COVID-19 reality

OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría writes here about how to create trade policies during the UK's Brexit and COVID-19 reality.
online learning and remote working

The University of Law: Transitioning to online learning and remote working

Matthew Tomlinson, Dean of the Leeds Campus at The University of Law, discusses the transition they made to online learning and remote working and shares the valuable lessons they learnt along the way.

Is your company neurodiverse – if not, why not?

Dr Nancy Doyle C. Psychol. AFBPsS, psychologist, founder and CEO of Genius Within, states that it is imperative that people take into consideration the neuro-differences of their colleagues when working towards an inclusive and supportive culture.

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