Open Access News

earthquake early warning system, NCREE

Earthquake Early Warning System: What is next for this technology?

NCREE (National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering) explain how they have developed an Earthquake Early Warning System which can estimate the oncoming waves.
sensory system

Human motion capture through a novel wearable multi-linkage sensory system

Jen-Yuan (James) Chang, Distinguished Professor at the Department of Power Mechanical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, lifts the lid on human motion capture through a novel wearable multi-linkage sensory system.
strengthening research and innovation, swiss research

Strengthening research and innovation in Switzerland

Writer Megan Warrender looks at strengthening research and innovation in strategically important areas such as automation, antibiotic resistance and quantum technology.
foster care

Lockdown abuse sees increase in children going into foster care

To find out about how the coronavirus lockdown is affecting the foster care system, MacNaught Digital spoke to the manager of the Bolton-based fostering agency Perpetual Fostering, Lisa Witter.
online tuition

Online grooming and the rise of online tuition

Due to COVID-19, there has been an explosion of online tuition but there is a crucial need for more stringent regulatory practices in order to safeguard students and parents. David McCarthy, Director of Education at Sophia Technologies, discusses here.
continuity during COVID-19

How can local authorities ensure continuity during COVID-19?

Julie Smith, business consultant/project manager and Luke Taylor, programme manager at Entec Si, advise how local authorities can ensure continuity during COVID-19.
access to quality data, medical data

Will tech democratise access to quality healthcare?

Neil Ballinger, head of EMEA sales at EU Automation, explains how greater access to quality healthcare can come from medical data and AI.
research and innovation in South Africa

A spotlight on science, research and innovation in South Africa

Open Access Government charts the priorities of the National Research Foundation when it comes to science, research and innovation in South Africa, at home and abroad.
robotics and artificial intelligence, digital future

Europe’s digital future: Robotics and artificial intelligence

Here, we chart some of the European Commission’s policies around robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) that will positively shape Europe’s digital future.
paediatric cancers

Elucidating the pathogenesis of paediatric cancers

Prof Nicolo Riggi and Prof Ivan Stamenkovic from the University of Lausanne share their thoughts on the pathogenesis of paediatric cancers.
organic hemp

Cannabinoid products: Create the best organic hemp products for the mass market

A worldwide manufacturer and distributor of cannabinoid products, Elixinol are committed to creating the best organic hemp products for the mass market.
maturing cannabis market, cannabis

Growing pains: Creating value in the maturing cannabis market

Liam McGreevy, CEO of Ethnopharm Ltd, explains his thoughts on creating value in today’s maturing cannabis market, including how the firm can help both new and established businesses make sense of this.
global risks

How organisations should prepare for unanticipated global risks

Here, Gunjan Sinha, Executive Chairman at MetricStream, discusses how organisations should handle and prepare for unanticipated global risks following the COVID-19 outbreak.

Europe: Ensuring a modern and sustainable agriculture sector

Here, we learn about Janusz Wojciechowski and his priorities: Ensuring a modern and sustainable agriculture sector in Europe that adapts to changes in climate, demographics and technologies.
Artificial intelligence in the public sector

Digital transformation: Artificial intelligence in the public sector

Here, we look at the digital transformation of government, focussing on the role of artificial intelligence in the public sector.
COVID-19 anxiety, mental health

Poll finds COVID-19 anxiety is key concern for US adults

Research by the University of Phoenix found that 41% of Americans are worried about COVID-19 anxiety levels, even more than concerns about paying bills and rent.
global collaboration

Coronavirus school closures could lead to greater global collaboration

Matt Jenner, Head of Learning at FutureLearn, discusses how edtech can help support schools and teachers during closures and the opportunities it could bring for greater global collaboration and innovation for the education sector post-COVID-19.
European Green Deal

The Commission’s work on the European Green Deal

Here, we delve into the European Commission’s work on the European Green Deal and its first European Climate Law to enshrine the 2050 climate-neutrality target into EU law.
suicide prevention

Suicide prevention: A complex issue for the Canadian Government

In this mental health focus - we thoughtfully consider suicide prevention - a complex issue for the Canadian Government.
End extreme poverty

Department for International Development: Leading work to end extreme poverty

Here, we delve into the work of the UK’s Department for International Development to end extreme poverty, as well as combatting climate change and conflict.

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