Open Access News

sustainable agroecosystems, grazing

Sustainable agroecosystems: Research to assess the benefits of regenerative grazing principles

Richard Teague, from Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management, Texas A&M University, discusses sustainable agroecosystems.
managing a remote workforce

Adjusting to the ‘new normal’: Top tips for managing a remote workforce

Open Access Government spoke to seven technology experts to get their advice on how organisations can effectively transition and manage a remote workforce.
environmental impacts of aircrafts

RESISTANT PROJECT: How can nanotechnology reduce environmental impacts of aircrafts?

Nuria Rodríguez López talks us through the climate necessity of the ReSiSTant project, which is a Horizon 2020 EU NMBP-Pilot Project, to reduce the environmental impacts of aircrafts.
end-user device

Maintaining an up-to-date well-patched end-user device environment

Maintaining an up-to-date end-user device environment has been a challenge for many, but it does not need to be, Sam Newman, Technical Director of OGEL IT LTD explains.
planning district heating, energy

Planning District Heating (DH): Energy consumption in buildings

Here, Erik Christiansen walks us through how to successfully implement a District Heating plan and engage with citizens.
ice cores

The changing arctic ice caps: Insights from ice cores

Martin Sharp Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, provides more compelling commentary on the changing arctic ice caps, focussing on the insights to be gained from ice cores.
independently living elders

MOVECARE: Service robot, ICT tech and AI to support independently living elders

Nunzio Albero Borghese discusses the potential of MOVECARE, a Horizon 2020 sponsored project, to be a robotic caregiver for independently living elders.
economic consequences

What economic consequences can we expect to come from COVID-19?

Gabriel A. Giménez Roche, assistant professor of economics at NEOMA Business School, discusses what economic consequences we can expect as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
lacquer safety coating, coronavirus, COVID-19

JCB launch new lacquer safety coating to protect against coronavirus

JCB has launched a new lacquer safety coating product which is designed to reduce the transmission of diseases such as coronavirus .
EU response to COVID-19, Horizon Europe

Economic and scientific experts discuss EU response to COVID-19

Here we summarise a discussion with experts on the EU response to COVID-19 and the role of Horizon Europe in this pandemic.
Metabolism and Diabetes

Understanding the Canadian Institutions of Health Research and Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes

In this article, our thoughts are directed towards understanding the Canadian Institutions of Health Research (CIHR) and The Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes (INMD).
staff and pupils

Edtech: Helping staff and pupils through school closures

Justin Reilly, CEO at safeguarding specialist Impero Software, discusses how EdTech can help staff and pupils whilst schools across the nation remain closed.
cannabis edibles, biomedical

Up in smoke: Understanding knowledge gaps for cannabis edibles

Michael A. Rogers outlines four necessary elements to increase further societal understanding about the use of cannabis edibles.
pandemic response

Drawing parallels between pandemic response and cybersecurity

As cybersecurity experts begin to adapt to remote working, it is worth noting that there are strong parallels between a pandemic response and handling cybersecurity threats. Here, Raymond Pompon, Director of F5 Labs, explains why.
green agriculture, legumes

Biological nitrogen fixation in legumes: Green agriculture and increased food security in Africa

Felix Dapare Dakora from Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa, provides a fascinating insight into the world of biological nitrogen fixation in legumes, including the opportunities for green agriculture and increased food security in Africa.
domestic violence victims

Top Barrister urges UK hotels to house domestic violence victims

Paula Rhone-Adrien, a renowned Family law Barrister with over 20 years of experience, urges UK hotels to house domestic violence victims during the COVID-19 lockdown.
climate neutral smart cities

100 climate neutral smart cities

In this article, Anna Lisa Boni, Secretary General of EUROCITIES, explains her thoughts on 100 climate neutral smart cities in more detail.
organic medical cannabis, environments

The cultivation of sustainable and organic medical cannabis in controlled environments

CEO of OC Care ApS, Christian Ohlendorff Hollensen, illuminates us on what we need to know about the cultivation of sustainable and organic medical cannabis in controlled environments, including the essential factor of lighting.
noise reduction solution, environment

Noise reduction solution bends sound waves upwards: Less impact on environment

Here, Bart Willems discusses the Dutch noise reduction solution using diffraction to decrease the impact on the environment.
NIHR Health Technology Assessment Programme

The NIHR Health Technology Assessment Programme: Research needed by the NHS

Professor Hywel C. Williams, Director of the NIHR Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Programme, sheds light on the HTA Programme that is pushing and pulling research that is needed by the UK National Health Service.

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