Open Access News

transition to a green deal, recovery after the pandemic

Accelerating transitions for a Green Deal: Preparing a recovery after the pandemic

Here, Prof Dr Raimund Bleischwitz discusses the overlaps between transitioning to a Green Deal and preparing for recovery after the pandemic.
2020 cannabis policy

The FDA’s 2020 Cannabis policy

Here, Ann Allworth discusses what lies ahead for the FDA’s 2020 Cannabis policy and highlights discrepancies in their thinking.
innovation pathway, digital health

Think Tank highlights CROs key role in optimising innovation pathways

Prof Dr Freimut Schliess, Director of Profil GmbH, discusses how CROs can play a key role for the optimisation of innovation pathways.
workforce changes

COVID-19: The legal risks when making workforce changes

The coronavirus crisis is forcing employers of all sizes across the UK economy to make drastic workforce changes, but with this comes considerable legal risk, as employment solicitor Paida Dube explains.
myoglobin redox homeostasis

Taking the edge off nitric oxide: The functional impact of myoglobin redox homeostasis

Professor Ulrich Flögel, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, details to us how to reveal the functional impact of myoglobin redox homeostasis by cardiac magnetic resonance.
hypertensive disorders in human pregnancy, preeclampsia

Could vitamin D reduce hypertensive disorders in human pregnancy?

Dr. Yuping Wang and Dr. David F. Lewis from LSUHSC-Shreveport discuss how to reduce hypertensive disorders in human pregnancy.
maintaining social distancing

Keeping elderly relatives safe whilst maintaining social distancing

AgeCo has compiled a list on how we can help our elderly relatives stay safe in the home whilst maintaining social distancing.
working from home

Coronavirus and working from home: What are employers’ obligations?

Esther Smith, employment partner at UK law firm TLT, discusses what obligations employers have whilst their staff work from home .

The NanoStreeM Project: Results and Perspectives

Here, Dr Dimiter Prodanov discusses the results and perspectives of NanoStreeM, a consortium which examines occupational safety of nanomaterials.
citizen participation,

Getting citizen participation right in the European Union and China

Nikolaos Kontinakis, Acting Projects Director, EUROCITIES, shares his thoughts on getting citizen participation just right in the European Union and China.
CBD industry

Standardised extracts are the future of the CBD industry

Following the latest legislative and market trends, Ilesol Pharmaceuticals has developed a new product with a shiny future in the CBD industry.
the Covid-19 pandemic

Important issues for employers to consider amid the Covid-19 pandemic

David Bradley, Chairman & Head of Employment at Ramsdens Solicitors, highlights what key considerations employers must take amid the Covid-19 pandemic.
modern life

Social media: A central part of modern life with dangers

Social media is a central part of modern life, writes Rufus Caldecott, Operations Analyst at the security and intelligence firm, Blackstone Consultancy but there are dangers, he warns.
survive the Covid-19 pandemic

How can small businesses survive the Covid-19 pandemic?

Peter Buckle, Chartered Financial Planner & Certified Financial Planner & Principal of Buckle & Partners Ltd, advises how small businesses and entrepreneurs can survive the Covid-19 pandemic.
Climate change and biodiversity loss

Climate change and biodiversity loss: Nature-based solutions in the city are not just for...

In this climate change and biodiversity loss focus, Harriet Bulkeley, Professor at Durham University in the UK and Kes McCormick, Associate Professor at Lund...
European Green Deal, Biodiversity,

The European Green Deal: Biodiversity can’t wait

President of the Study Group on The sustainable economy we need at EESC, Josep Puxeu Rocamora, argues that when it comes to the European Green Deal, biodiversity cannot wait.
delivering confidence, blockchain, accreditation

Accreditation: The building block(chain)s of delivering confidence

Jeff Ruddle, Strategic Development Director at United Kingdom Accreditation Service, illuminates us on an aspect of accreditation that concerns the building block(chain)s of delivering confidence.
employment law

Working from home: An employment law perspective

Claire Brook, Employment Law Partner at Aaron & Partners, provides an insight into working from home from an employment law perspective.
therapeutic services

Coronavirus and the impact on therapeutic services

Hugo Minchin (MBACP), Director, co-founder and counsellor at Talk to the Rainbow, discusses how coronavirus has had a massive impact on therapeutic services and counselling available to vulnerable people.
hemp industry

Removing the barriers to ensure a thriving UK hemp industry

Rebekah Shaman, Managing Director at British Hemp Alliance, explains what we need to know about removing the barriers to ensure a thriving UK hemp industry.

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