Open Access News

Battery Calorimeters

Using battery calorimeters for Thermal propagation research

Dr Carlos Ziebert, Head of IAM-AWP’s Calorimeter Center, KIT, outlines how research and testing in battery calorimeters improves materials for thermal propagation mitigation in Lithium-ion batteries.

Ultra-high reflection seismic survey before offshore wind farm construction

Gwo-shyh Song, Associate Professor at the National Taiwan University, explains research taking place concerning ultra-high reflection seismic survey before offshore wind farm construction.
eye health

Eye health: Testing the safety of stem cell therapy for age-related macular degeneration

Kapil Bharti, PhD, Senior Investigator and Head of the Ocular and Stem Cell Translational Research Section at the National Eye Institute (NEI), explains testing the safety of a stem cell therapy for age-related macular degeneration in this special focus on eye health.
lifelong learning

Denmark: A focus on education and lifelong learning

Here, we take a look at education and lifelong learning issues in Denmark, including the priorities of Minister of Children and Education, Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil.
divine forgiveness

Believing in divine forgiveness may affect well-being

Frank D. Fincham explores an essential question about well-being: Is divine forgiveness good for your health?
wound management

Topical Cannabis-Based Medicines (TCBM): A novel epigenetic paradigm for wound management

Dr Vincent Maida discusses his discoveries and pioneering research in the area of using Topical Cannabis-Based Medicines (TCBM) for integumentary and wound management.
digital accessibility centre, voice recognition software

Introducing the Digital Accessibility Centre (DAC)

Mike Taylor from the Digital Accessibility Centre discusses testing apps and websites for accessibility, to ensure compliance with web standards.
mental health research

Funding mental health research in the U.S.

Here, we examine the United States’ National Institute of Mental Health, the largest funder of research on mental disorders in the world.
uk immigration rules, global talent

UK immigration rules: Has the new policy changed UK migration statistics?

Sophie Barrett-Brown and Joshua Hopkins, Laura Devine Immigration, describe the effect of the new UK immigration rules on how people are actually migrating.
global situation for women, international women's day

International Women’s Day: UN review the global situation for women

Let’s discuss the UN Women report, “Women’s Rights in Review 25 years after Beijing,” which documents how gender equality is functioning on International Women's Day.
female leaders in business

2020: The rise of female leaders in business

In recognition of International Women's Day, Suhail Hadouth, Content Executive at WMG, analyses the rise of female leaders in business.
deposit return schemes

The environment: A focus on deposit return schemes to increase recycling

Rebecca Pow MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs in the UK, states the case for real change when it comes to the environment, including introducing deposit return schemes to increase recycling and clamp down on litter.
chronic inflammatory lung diseases

Soluble circulating cytokine receptors in chronic inflammatory lung diseases

Michael Roth discusses soluble circulating cytokine receptors in chronic inflammatory lung diseases, which he describes as the under-estimated regulators of inflammation and remodelling.
hospital admissions

The rise in emergency hospital admissions and the impact of this on diabetes patients

Emma Elvin, Senior Clinical Advisor at Diabetes UK, highlights a relentless and unsustainable rise in emergency hospital admissions in the UK’s NHS and the impact of this on those with diabetes.
mobile workforce

How to support a mobile workforce across the public sector

Sascha Giese, Head Geek™at SolarWinds, discusses how organisations can support the ever-increasing mobile workforce in the public sector.
human firewall

Human firewall: How businesses can mitigate against cyber attacks

Stephen Burke, CEO and founder of Cyber Risk Aware, discusses how businesses protect themselves against cyber attacks by building a human firewall.
career in construction

How can we encourage more girls to consider a career in construction?

Here, Jane Bulmer, Director at Cleveland Containers discusses how we can start to encourage girls from a young age, to consider a career in construction.
digital skills gap

Digital skills gap in Europe: Training people for the future

Nabila Salem, President of Revolent Group, discusses how training people for the future can help fill the digital skills gap in Europe.
public procurement

Public procurement: The forgotten lead generation tool?

Jason Kay, CEO of LiveLead focuses our thoughts on public procurement and ponders if this is the forgotten lead generation tool.
work-related aspects of nanotechnology

Nanotechnology: Work-related aspects

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group, sheds light on work-related aspects of nanotechnology, including the overall framework to balance the benefits and risks.

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