Open Access News

mental health services,

Supporting mental health services, alcohol and drug use in Ireland

Here, we find out how Minister for Health, Simon Harris TD is helping to support mental health services, as well as alcohol and drug use issues in Ireland.

Biometrics could be the solution to much needed porn block

David Orme, SVP, IDEX Biometrics ASA, discusses how biometrics could be the solution for online porn blocks to help better protect children.
hearing loss, disabilities

Hearing loss: Life’s better when we’re all connected

Richard Kramer, Chief Executive of national disability charity Sense, argues that life’s better when we’re all connected when it comes to hearing loss.
transformation and paradigm change

On digital transformation: Transformation and paradigm change

Alexander Zeitelhack, Associate Dean, Berlin School of Business and Innovation, shares his perspective on digital transformation, transformation and paradigm change.
businesses post-Brexit

The benefits of R&D for businesses post-Brexit

Radeep Mathew, Head of Consulting at Leyton UK looks at the unrealised potential of R&D for British businesses post-Brexit.
record employment rate

UK job market hits record employment rate

New figures, released today, have revealed a record employment rate of 76.3%, the highest since the mid-1970s.
UK policing system

UK policing system to receive further £1.1 billion government funding

The government has announced a funding increase of £1.1 billion for the UK policing system to recruit an extra 20,000 officers and tackle crime.
diabetes care, healthcare practitioners,

Invigorating education for diabetes care professionals

The iDEAL group shares their thoughts on invigorating education for today’s diabetes care professionals.
european green deal

Ursula von der Leyen proposes €1 trillion investment for the European Green Deal

Ursula von der Leyen unveils proposals for a €1 trillion European Green Deal Investment Plan.
America’s STEM future, Education and Human Resources,

Education and Human Resources (EHR): Building America’s STEM future

Here, we find out that the National Science Foundation’s Directorate of Education and Human Resources works to achieved excellence in STEM education at all levels.
Securing your data in the cloud

Securing your data in the cloud: All you need to know

David Blevosky, CEO of Cloudhelix, highlights how securing your data in the cloud is straightforward and can protect your business against any expense and reputation damage caused by cyber crime.
children with disabilities, virtual reality

Virtual reality boosts physical therapy for children with disabilities

Dr Alison Cernich, Deputy Director of the NICHD, and Dr Theresa Cruz, Acting Director, National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research at NICHD, describe technology that helps children with disabilities.
history of fusion,

A history of fusion research and development Part 5

This article is the last one in a 5 part series on the history of fusion research and development by Matteo Barbarino, a Nuclear Plasma Fusion Specialist from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
healthy economic development

Rebooting the economic engine: Fostering healthy economic development

Jocelyn Blériot – Executive Lead, International Institutions & Governments, Ellen MacArthur Foundation, shares his thoughts on how fostering healthy economic development while addressing the challenges faced on the environmental front involves co-creation mechanisms between the private and the public sector.
materials research

Supporting science in the United States: A focus on materials research

Here, Writer Megan Warrender, focuses on materials research as an example of how science is supported in the United States by the National Science Foundation.
health and safety practices

Are schools up to date with health and safety practices?

Alex Wilkins at iHASCO advises how the education sector can keep up to date with health and safety practices.
britain’s mid-sized cities

2020: Coming of age for Britain’s mid-sized cities

Cllr John Merry CBE, Chair of Key Cities and Deputy City Mayor of Salford, argues that 2020 will be a coming of age for Britain’s mid-sized cities.
importance of digitalisation, smart cities

The economic importance of “digitalisation”

Alun Foster, Head of Plans and Dissemination at ECSEL JU, lifts the lid on the economic importance of “digitalisation”.
national toxicology program

The National Toxicology Program: Needs and opportunities

Open Access Government spoke to Dr Brian Berridge, Associate Director of the National Toxicology Program (NTP) in the U.S., about the needs and opportunities he sees within the NTP.
innovation in the public sector

Buying innovation in the public sector

Iain C. Steel, Chief Procurement Services Officer and Caroline Ramsay, Partner at UK law firm TLT LLP detail here their thoughts on buying innovation in the public sector.

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