Open Access News

digital transformation in healthcare, artificial intelligence

A European Commission perspective on digital transformation in healthcare

Marco Marsella, Head of Unit, Directorate-General Communications Network, Content and Technology (DG Connect), European Commission, speaks to OAG about AI and digital transformation in healthcare.
wheat cultivation

Agriculture and crops: A focus on wheat cultivation

Aarthi Janakiraman, Industry Manager, Chemicals and Advanced Materials at TechVision, Frost & Sullivan, provides an in-depth focus on wheat cultivation across the globe, within the wider field of agriculture and crops.
UK energy policy

UK energy policy: The latest developments

Here, we focus on the latest developments in UK energy policy, by looking at initiatives that ensure a secure, reliable, affordable and clean energy supplies for the country.
the pharmaceutical industry

The pharmaceutical industry in Europe

Here, we focus on some of the key issues facing the pharmaceutical industry throughout Europe.
medical use of cannabinoids

Medical use of cannabinoids and marijuana

In this article, Dr Gerry Morrow shares his thoughts on the medical use of cannabinoids and marijuana.
proof assistant, metacoq

Why should we trust proof assistants?

Proof assistants are formal proof management systems, which provide a formal language to write mathematical definitions, executable algorithms and theorems, more of which here is explained by Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique.
electric car industry

The future of the electric car industry in 2020

Here, we explore how electric vehicles have improved over the past three years and what’s in store for the electric car industry in the future, considering the governments proposed 2040 ban on petrol and diesel vehicles.
anion exchange membrane, computer simulation

Anion-exchange membranes with high hydroxide conductivity: First-principles computer modelling

Here, we find out about first-principles computer simulations performed in the group of Prof Mark E. Tuckerman, who uncover principles for designing high-performance alkaline anion exchange membrane (AEM) fuel cells.
perspective on cannabidiol

A World Health Organization perspective on cannabidiol (CBD)

Here, we discover the World Health Organization perspective on cannabidiol (CBD), including how there has been a shift in how CBD is socially perceived following reports and recommendations.
GP Futures Framework, Procurement frameworks in the NHS,

Procurement frameworks in the NHS: The GP Futures Framework

Brian Jones, Chief Executive at Partnership of East London Co-operatives, shares his thoughts on procurement frameworks in the NHS including the GP Futures Framework.
sustainable development, Arctic,

Connecting the Arctic’s seas for sustainable development

Carole Plessy, Head of OneWeb’s Maritime Product Development, details here the role of connectivity when it comes to the sustainable development in the Arctic’s seas.
blindness from diabetic retinopathy

Early detection is crucial to prevent blindness from diabetic retinopathy

Emily Y. Chew, M.D., Director of the Division of Epidemiology and Clinical Applications and the Deputy Clinical Director at the National Eye Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health, examines why early detection is crucial to prevent blindness from diabetic retinopathy.
palatinate region, counselling

Peer counselling in the Palatinate region

In this article, Paul Bomke and Lena Kuntz discuss counselling centres in Germany, particularly in the Palatinate region.
strengthening resilience

Sleep is the best medicine: The repair programme for strengthening resilience

In this article, Dr Hans-GĂĽnter WeeĂź explains the connection between sleep, mental health and strengthening resilience.
make technology work, IT

Fresh IT: Make technology work for your business with smaller, smarter projects

Organisations have gorged on lavish IT banquets and they can’t take another byte. Marc Silvester, CEO at Silxo, says it’s time they changed their eating habits – for a diet that’s easier on the corporate digestion, pocket and long-term health prospects.
Thermo-Catalytic Reforming

Thermo-Catalytic Reforming: Converting biogenic residues into products for a low carbon economy

Dr.-Ing. Robert Daschner from Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Institute Branch Sulzbach-Rosenberg, describes experiences from scale-up to validate technology and process into industrially relevant environments.
medical cannabis market in denmark

The medical cannabis market in Denmark & Europe

Investment Manager at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Michael Prytz, charts the rapid development of the medical cannabis market in Europe and provides a look at the Danish model in this vein.
robotics for microfarming, sustainable farming

ROMI: Robotics for Microfarming

Developing technology towards sustainable farming practices: Learn about a new generation of farmers are starting small innovative market gardens in rural, peri-urban and urban areas across Europe.
Tax policy

Tax policy as a tool for business cycle stabilisation

In this final article in a mini-series of articles discussing recent macroeconomic research on the effects of taxation on the economy, Bernd Hayo, Professor at the University of Marburg focuses on the use of tax policy for stabilising business cycles.
impact of fossil fuels

Green transport: Combatting the impact of fossil fuels

Cllr David Renard, Chairman of the LGA’s Economy, Environment, Housing and Transport Board and Leader of Swindon Borough Council, outlines here how new vehicle technologies and other measures can help combat the impact of fossil fuels.

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