Open Access News

remote working

Has the public sector remote working revolution really been effective?

David Beggs, practice director at Managementors, explores just how successful public sector remote working has really been for productivity.

PIXEL: Port-IoT for environmental leverage

Carlos E. Palau, Full Professor in Telecommunication Engineering at Universitat Politècnica de València, profiles PIXEL, a revolutionary European R&D project that concerns Port-IoT for environmental leverage.
reliable power

Fuel cells: Delivering reliable power when needed for emergency response efforts

Morry Markowitz, President of the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association, states the case for fuel cells to deliver reliable power when needed, therefore, enhancing emergency response efforts.
cloud transformation strategy

6 top tips for a successful cloud transformation strategy

Here, Kevin Turner, Digital Workplace Strategy Lead at Unisys provides some top tips on how your business can create a successful cloud transformation strategy.
autumn leaf colour, plant science

A focus on plant science: The biology of autumn leaf colour

Dr Nina Bassuk, Professor at Cornell University, details an absorbing aspect of plant science that concerns the biology of autumn leaf colour and deciduous trees of the northern hemisphere.
loneliness in old age

How to cope with loneliness in old age

It is evident that many elderly people suffer from loneliness, however, there are numerous ways to avoid this, as we discuss in this article.
innovative bed tracking

Innovative bed tracking at a Northern Health and Social Care Trust

Brendan Crossey, Chief Executive Officer of Healthcare Analytics Limited, directs our thoughts to innovative bed tracking at the Northern Health and Social Care Trust, one of five health and social care trusts in Northern Ireland.
inflammatory lung diseases

Fine dust air pollution (PM2.5) as a cause of chronic inflammatory lung diseases?

Michael Roth, Research Group Leader at University Hospital Basel asks if fine dust air pollution (PM2.5) is a cause of chronic inflammatory lung diseases and provides a most engaging response.

Giving oncology its power back: A clinical technology revolution is conquering the US from...

However, the majority of clinical standards for diagnosis and treatment in modern oncology are traditionally birthed solely from biological investigations.
care sector

Care sector crisis point: Recruiting new talent

Lottie Galvin at iHASCO highlights how care workers are unvalued and unpaid at a time when the UK's care sector is in dire need of new recruits.

Winchester MD: Ahead of the curve in the market for CBD products

Farrukh Saleem, Head of Sales & Marketing at Winchester MD, explains why the company is ahead of the curve when it comes to today’s market for CBD products.
solve the climate crisis, COP25

What is COP25 and will it solve the climate crisis?

As COP25 started last week, here we examine what it is, if it can solve the climate crisis and who will be attending.
more efficient NHS

Data science: Providing medication and creating a more efficient NHS

Rich Pugh, Chief Data Scientist at Mango Solutions, discusses how data science can be used for good, with a particular focus on the provision of medication and helping create a more efficient NHS.
healthcare revolution

MEDITECH: Global Digital Exemplars lead the UK’s healthcare revolution

Helen Waters, Executive Vice President of MEDITECH explains how Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust and South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust are Global Digital Exemplars leading the UK’s healthcare revolution.
FinTech risk management

FinTech risk management: A research-driven European environment for sustainable digital finance

Here, Arianna Agosto, Paolo Giudici, Paolo Pagnottoni and Anca Mirela Toma discuss how a research-driven European environment can create sustainable digital finance for Fintech risk management.
govern skeletal muscle function

The mechanisms that govern skeletal muscle function

In this second interview, Professor Dr Martin Flück reveals how his research aims to shed light on the mechanisms that govern skeletal muscle function in health and disease, with the goal of translating the findings into more effective clinical applications.
CBD cultivation

Jersey Hemp granted CBD cultivation licence

Jersey Hemp share that they have been granted the first licence in the British Isles to harvest hemp flowers for CBD, in this article.
electric vehicle charging solutions

GreenCharge: Successful business models for sustainable electric vehicle charging solutions

Arno Schoevaars, Managing Consultant Strategy & Innovation at PNO Innovation, charts the H2020 GreenCharge project, which strongly encourages successful business models for sustainable electric vehicle charging solutions.
community pharmacy service, NHS

NHS could save £651 million with community pharmacy service

Researchers have assessed a community pharmacy service and calculated that this would save the NHS around £651 million.
building a sustainable brand, sustainable

The importance of building a sustainable brand

Here, we explore the importance of building a sustainable brand and what you have to know to achieve one.

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