North America Analysis

Open Access News

economic research

Enabling and promoting economic research in Switzerland

The aims of the Society of Economics and Statistics in Switzerland are discussed here, which includes enabling and promoting economic research and encouraging the work of young economists.
child's education

Can mindfulness help your child’s education?

Here, Rachel Hall, Managing Director of Busy Things, discusses how mindfulness can benefit your child’s education and how you can try it with them at home.
assessment to transformation

4 Keys Steps to Cloud: From assessment to transformation

Here, UKCloud explains how businesses can take advantage of Data Centre Modernisation, whilst still focusing on their core business and avoiding key pitfalls of digital transformation.
Enzyme activity assays

Chemistry: Enzyme activity assays for disease diagnosis

Contributing scientists share their thoughts around the field of chemistry, focussing on enzyme activity assays for disease diagnosis, novel drug development validation and nanoparticles.
Recovering from austerity

Public sector: Recovering from austerity

Neville Henderson, Senior Consultant, Crown Workforce Management discusses how the public sector can recover from the pain of austerity in this article.
value of plant science

The value of plant science in Europe today

The European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO) reveals its thoughts on the value of plant science and the many improvements it can generate in areas such as sustainable agriculture, forestry and environmental conservation.
biomedical applications

DeepHealth project: Deep-learning and HPC to boost biomedical applications for health

Jon Ander Gómez and Monica Caballero, DeepHealth Technical Manager and Project Coordinator, lift the lid on an exciting project that concerns deep-learning and high performance computing to boost biomedical applications for health.
ageing continent

Europe: An ageing continent

Thanks to the economic and social progress we have made, life expectancy has increased. However, ageing often comes with health issues and restricted mobility – a challenge not only for the elderly and their families but also for society.
imaging and spectroscopy

Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy

Transcending morphology, magnetic resonance techniques can be utilised to shed light on processes on the molecular level to unveil pathological alterations preceding anatomical and functional manifestations of (cardiovascular) diseases, in the view of Ulrich Flögel from Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany.
hemp industry for a sustainable future

Celtic wind crops: Leading the way in the hemp industry for a sustainable future

Paul McCourt CEO and Founder of Celtic Wind Crops.EU, explains how his firm is leading the way in the hemp industry for a sustainable future.
user experience

Standards drive innovation and user experience

John McMahon, Product Director at IEG4, discusses why standards in the public sector IT industry such as pay and notify will help drive innovation and user experience.
field of plant pathology

Studying and advancing the field of plant pathology

The British Society for Plant Pathology’s aims of studying and advancing the field of plant pathology are explored here, including the importance of advancing education in the field.
environmental risks

Climate change: Modifying our views on environmental risks

Alberto Mantovani and Francesca Baldi - Istituto Superiore di Sanità in Rome, Italy, explain to us how the global issue of climate change is modifying our views on risks to the environment with comment on the main effects of chlorinated pesticides.
drug discovery ecosystem

Academia: An important player in the drug discovery ecosystem

Dr Richard Angell and Dr Jane Kinghorn from the Drug Discovery Group (Translational Research Office), at University College London (UCL), explain the value of drug discovery in academia in bridging the “Valley of Death”.
Sustainable water purification

Chemistry: Sustainable water purification solutions from underutilised biomass

Benjamin Hsiao, Distinguished Professor from Stony Brook University provides an excellent overview of an aspect of chemistry that concerns sustainable water purification solutions from underutilised biomass.
tumour necrosis

Exploring the emerging role of tumour necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 6

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group explores the emerging role of tumour necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 6 including the challenges and opportunities in this vein.
robotics applications, European SMEs

European SMEs robotics applications

Dr Sotiris Makris, from the Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems & Automation, explains how innovative SMEs can implement and prove new technology, including robotics, that addresses real-life problems.
omnichannel retail challenges

Blockchain: A magic wand to omnichannel retail challenges?

Associate Professors Joline Uichanco, Stefanus Jasin and Debjit Roy offer their expertise to discuss how blockchain can be used to solve traceability, trust, and transparency challenges faced by omnichannel retailers.
future of portugal

Science and higher education for the future of Portugal

Here, we speak to Manuel Heitor, Portuguese Minister of Science, about how science and higher education in Portugal are helping to turn the country into a knowledge hub for future generations, amongst other things.
agile awareness, agile practices

Agile awareness: Creating an essential baseline

Creating more agile organisations requires a level playing field, so what can the public sector gain from new approaches in higher education? Kim Whitmore from the Agile Business Consortium explains more.

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