North America Analysis

Open Access News


Precision medicine: Cost-effectiveness of breakthrough treatments

Dr Gerry Morrow shares his thoughts on the precision medicine, defined as the cost-effectiveness of breakthrough treatments and explains why this area is a priority for both researchers and government.
medication management

Medication management in diabetes

PillTime Ltd highlights the importance of medication management for diabetes as it remains a significant burden on the NHS.
green technologies

Government invests over £500m in green technologies

Ministers have announced more than £500 million of investments in green technologies to help create a cleaner and healthier Britain.
coaching and mentoring

Coaching and mentoring: A style of management

Dessy Ohanians, Managing Director of Corporate and Certificate Programmes at the London School of Business and Finance – Executive Education argues that coaching and mentoring are a style of management that has become more prevalent during the last few years.
rohingya freedom, rakhine state

Bangladesh: Clampdown on Rohingya freedom

Human Rights Watch say Bangladesh should end restrictions on Rohingya freedom of movement and access to the internet.
high school maths, quantative linguistics

Understanding and producing words with high-school maths

Professor R. Harald Baayen, Quantitative Linguistics, University of Tübingen, explains how we can understand and produce words with high-school maths.
ai in healthcare

What are the data protection challenges of using AI in healthcare?

This article considers the increasing political interest in the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare and considers how data protection legislation may help to build greater understanding and trust.
emotional fitness

Emotional fitness for university students

Nick Bennett, CEO at Fika, puts forward the case for a positive and preventative approach to mental health for university students, drawing on learnings from physical fitness and positive psychology.
brexit uncertainty, EU citizens

Brexit uncertainty creates new human rights problems

The on-going Brexit uncertainty poses serious human rights issues, Amnesty International said today.
fuel cell day

National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day: What you need to know

Morry Markowitz, President of the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association details all we need to know about the National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day on October 8th and beyond that.
rebalancing the economy, economic development

Rebalancing the economy: Our time is now

Nigel Wilcock is Executive Director of the Institute of Economic Development and says that when it comes to rebalancing the economy – our time is now.
risks in the workplace

Assessing nanomaterials health risks in the workplace

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group assesses nanomaterials health risks in the workplace, starting with an overall perspective on the topic that includes risk assessment policies.
fossil free city

Green Island: Fossil free city areas

Peder Vejsig Pedersen, Senior Advisor, MSc, European Green Cities highlights how Green Island is developing fossil free communities.
voice analysis technology

Healthcare early detection technology: Voice analysis technology

Shinichi Tokuno from the Department of Voice Analysis of Pathophysiology, Graduate School of Medicine, at the University of Tokyo, lifts the lid on voice analysis technology for healthcare.
standards for cannabis

Europe setting standards for cannabis products

As government authorities come to grips with legislation of cannabis-based products, the European market holds a key position, Liam McGreevy, CEO, Ethnopharm Ltd explains.
NHS technology

Government to invest over £130 million in new NHS technology

Patients will benefit from significant government investment in new NHS technology to improve treatment, diagnosis and care options for diseases including cancer.
cannabis products, European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction

Cannabis products: Greater diversity, increased potency and close monitoring

A recent European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction report highlights the need for diversity of cannabis products, increased potency and close monitoring of health effects.
global trade finance gap, blockchain

Closing the global trade finance gap with a blockchain solution

Here, we find out that InventoryClub, a Commonwealth-focused trade finance application developer, is re-inventing trade finance in global trade, beginning with a blockchain platform to support a thriving trading community.
One health, surveillance systems, SACIDS, disease,East and Southern Africa

Enhancing One Health surveillance systems

Researchers from SACIDS Foundation for One Health discuss the importance and implementation of event-based community surveillance using a One Health approaches in East and Southern Africa.
Achieving excellence in science

Achieving excellence in science, technology, engineering and mathematics education

Here, we examine the mission of the National Science Foundation’s Directorate of Education and Human Resources to achieve excellence in science, technology, engineering and mathematics education.

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