North America Analysis

Open Access News

mental health struggles

UK workers hide mental health struggles with fake physical illnesses

New research shows over half of employees who took mental health days faked a physical illness to explain their absence, despite stress from work souring relationships and sleep patterns for many.
inclusion and diversity

The importance of inclusion and diversity to the workplace

With inclusion and diversity continuing to be of importance to employees, Instant Offices gives a breakdown on how companies can be more responsible when it comes to key social issues.
people with hidden disabilities, Blue Badge

People with hidden disabilities can now apply for Blue Badges

People with hidden disabilities, including anxiety disorders or a brain injury, can apply for a Blue Badge for the first time from today (30 August 2019).
pelagic fish in europe

Developing convenient consumer products from pelagic fish in Europe

Turid Rustad, Professor at NTNU explains the development of convenient consumer products from pelagic fish, including the recent growth of European fish consumption.
negative ion formation

Physics: Negative ion formation in complex heavy systems

Dr Alfred Msezane from Clark Atlanta University’s Department of Physics lavishes us with his knowledge about an intriguing aspect of physics, which focusses on his research on negative ion formation in complex heavy systems.
rohingya children, ethnic cleansing

Rohingya children: A ‘lost generation’ in Bangladesh

Two years after an ethnic cleansing forced around 700,000 Rohingya to flee Myanmar for Bangladesh, where Rohingya children are still living in camps.
anti-money laundering laws, no deal brexit

The UK’s anti-money laundering laws post-Brexit

John Binns, partner at BCL Solicitors LLP, considers the potential impact of Brexit on the UK’s anti-money laundering laws.
brand-new industry

CBD: A brief introduction to a brand-new industry

Mile High Labs International Limited provides a brief introduction to a brand-new industry, CBD, a non-psychoactive cannabinoid.
security by design

Why must the public sector take a security by design approach?

Cybersecurity is a high-profile issue for UK public sector bodies, as recent news shows. Iain Shearman, Managing Director of KCOM’s National Network Services, looks at why the public sector needs to adopt security by design.

Mindfulness, mental health, wellbeing and poverty

Karma Jiga, CEO of the Nilupul Foundation introduces adapted Mindfulness-Based Interventions (MBI) that reveals positive changes in health and wellbeing for the socioeconomic deprived (SED).
no-deal Brexit

What do employers need to do about a no-deal Brexit?

With the odds of a no-deal Brexit increasing, concern amongst employers has understandably raised, here,  Andrew Willis, Head of Legal at HR consultancy, Croner, highlights what businesses need to do.
looking for a new job

UK workers actively looking for a new job with more flexibility

More than a third of full-time workers in the UK are currently looking for a new job because they would like a role with greater flexibility, new research from has revealed.
combat mental health issues

Giving young people a fighting chance to combat mental health issues

With the health service stretched to capacity, Boxing Gym charity, Empire Fighting Chance, has developed a model to help young people combat mental health issues
the NHS, data

Does the future of the NHS rest on its staff learning to ‘speak data’?

Paul Heather, Head of Public Sector & Health, Tableau Software, discusses how the NHS is using data to support preventative, predictive and personalised care.
research into osteoarthritis, clinical research

Impact and early intervention: Clinical research into osteoarthritis

Versus Arthritis speaks to award-winning rheumatologist Dr Fiona Watt about clinical research into osteoarthritis.
basic chemical research

Advancing basic chemical research while developing a globally competitive workforce

Carol Bessel and Melissa Olson from National Science Foundation’s Division of Chemistry (CHE) reveal the organisation’s goal of advancing basic chemical research while also developing a globally competitive workforce.
artificial intelligence apps, peer to peer lending

What is the EU doing to understand if Artificial Intelligence apps are trustworthy?

Here, we discuss an EU-funded project on financial technologies which intends to create an open-source risk management platform for blockchain and AI apps in finance.

The challenges posed by officially published open data

In this article, I outline some challenges posed by officially published open data and explore the pragmatic approach of London-based technology company Doorda.
suspend parliament

PM Johnson wants to suspend parliament until Brexit

Boris Johnson will ask the Queen to suspend parliament in mid-September, preventing MPs from creating a Brexit deal or passing any new legislation.
artificial intelligence hesitancy

Artificial intelligence hesitancy could hinder healthcare innovation

Public's ‘artificial intelligence hesitancy’ could hinder healthcare innovation and boost health inequalities, University of Westminster-led study finds.

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