North America Analysis

Open Access News

biomass industry 

Sustainability claims from the biomass industry

Sasha Stashwick, Senior Advocate at the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) highlights the three most common sustainability claims from the biomass industry.

Preparing for the Cy-Phy future

Cy-Phy could become the next wave of technology and increase cyber security for better business practices, here Phil Quade, CISO, Fortinet highlights why we should begin preparing now.
science subjects

Government welcomes more pupils studying science subjects

Education Secretary Gavin Williamson has said the increase in pupils taking science subjects at A level will equip this generation with the skills the country needs.
workplace training

Workplace training is key to your businesses’ success

According to numerous research, there’s one thing that’s frequently listed as a top perk for workers and that’s workplace training. Here, we’ll look at why workplace training is key to your businesses’ success.
a level results

Education Secretary wishes pupils good luck with A level results

Gavin Williamson says every young person should feel proud of their achievements, as over 200,000 pupils collect their A level results this morning.
grade bribes

British parents paid out £20.5 million in grade bribes in 2018

An online tutoring agency has surveyed more than 2,000 parents to find out how many children are offered grade bribes to do well in their academic exams.
supporting your mental health, CBD oil

Can CBD be effective in supporting your mental health?

Sophia Ali co-founder of Amma Life shares her views on supporting your mental health through the use of CBD oil and other methods, here.
public health in the 21st century, european public health

New challenges for public health in the 21st century

Dineke Zeegers Paget, Executive Director of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) provides a fascinating glimpse of the new challenges for public health in the 21st century.
higher education admissions system, a level

Labour announces shake up of higher education admissions system

Ahead of A-Level results day tomorrow, Labour has today (Wednesday 14 August) announced plans to radically reform the higher education admissions system.
fitness trackers

NHS patients will get free fitness trackers to cut Type 2 diabetes

Thousands of people who are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes will receive wearable tech such as fitness trackers as part of efforts by the NHS to combat the condition, caused by obesity.
social media cyberbullying, sleep deprivation

Social media: Cyberbullying, sleep deprivation and lack of exercise

UCL led new research uncovering the status of teenage mental health in relation to social media, cyberbullying, sleep deprivation, and lack of exercise.
link with dementia, hearing loss

Hearing loss and the link with dementia

If we address hearing loss, can we really decrease our risk of developing dementia? Mark Atkinson, Chief Executive Action of Hearing Loss investigates.
salaries in renewable energy, oil and gas sector

UK salaries in renewable energy sector on the rise

In 2013, a survey found that salaries within the renewable energy industry were growing at a faster rate than oil and gas sectors.
own data

The future of public services means giving citizens control over their own data

Patrick Stephenson, Client Managing Director: Central and Regional Government at Fujitsu in the UK and Ireland, discusses why governments need to give citizens control over their own data.
climate champions, eurocities

Cities proving to be the real climate champions

Anna Lisa Boni, Secretary General, EUROCITIES provides an absorbing insight into how cities in Europe are proving to be the real climate champions.
price increase, train fares

UK announces new price increase for trains

Today (14 August) the UK announced a further price increase for train fares, leading to some fares increasing by £100.
help commercial buildings

The advantages of using smart technologies to help commercial buildings

Frankie Bryon, Sustainability Surveyor at LSH discusses why smart technologies can help commercial buildings improve on sustainability as well introduce other benefits that include promoting health and wellbeing and enable agile working.
crime in prison

£100 million crackdown on crime in prison

Prison security will be boosted by a £100 million investment as part of a crackdown on crime in prison, the government announced today.
shut down the national grid

Surge in EV growth will shut down the National Grid by 2040

A surge in growth in Electric Vehicles (EV's) in Britain, more in line with the EU, could potentially shut down the National Grid by 2040, according to SaveMoneyCutCarbon.
sitting down

Office workers spend 75% of their waking hours sitting down

Research from the British Heart Foundation shows Brits spend around 67 hours a week sitting down– making us inactive for up to three out of seven days.

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