North America Analysis

Open Access News

legal reform for women, male guardianship

Saudi government proposes legal reform for women

The Saudi government has announced legal reforms for women whilst women activists remain locked up, Human Rights Watch said today.
behaviour problems, prenatal parental stress

Prenatal parental stress linked to behaviour problems in toddlers

New research reveals that expecting parents having emotional struggles is a sign of future emotion and behaviour problems in their 2-year-olds.
electronic patient records, NHSX

NHS launches accredited suppliers for electronic patient records

NHSX and NHS England have published a list of accredited suppliers of electronic patient record solutions, to give purchasers more confidence in their route to digital transformation.
Cardiovascular magnetic resonance

Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy

Cardiovascular magnetic resonance techniques can unveil metabolic alterations preceding anatomical and functional manifestations of diseases, the Department of Experimental Cardiovascular Imaging explains here.
alison pritchard, government digital service

Alison Pritchard becomes interim Director General of GDS

Defra's Alison Pritchard joins GDS as Director General, beginning her first week as the department’s interim chief.
revoking article 370, amnesty international india, kashmir valley

India: Revoking Article 370 will cause tensions and unrest

India's revoking of Article 370 from Jammu and Kashmir is likely to inflame tensions and increase the risk of violence, Amnesty International India said.
Energy future, Developing Countries

The energy future of developing countries: Technological “leapfrogging”

José Goldemberg, Professor Emeritus, University of São Paulo, explains all we need to know about technological “leapfrogging”, a strategy to face global warming and the energy future of developing countries.

Financial risk forecasting in the era of big data

Francesco Audrino, Professor of Statistics at University of St. Gallen explains financial risk forecasting in the era of big data and underlines the role of investors’ sentiment and attention.
human gene research, gene editing

China: New regulations for human gene research

Here, Jaqueline Zhao and Tim Jackson discuss the new regulations coming into force for China in 2019, after the gene-editing scandal which created international headlines.
public sector connectivity

New NHS cash injection needed to improve patient care, says NHS Confederation

Experts respond to Prime Minister Boris Johnson's announcement for a £1.8 million NHS cash injection, highlighting the desperate need for funding to improve patient care.
public sector connectivity

What does public sector connectivity mean today?

Paul Doe, Regional Director, MLL Telecom discusses how public sector connectivity means so much more to local councils than increased bandwidth, looking at how local government can tailor the procurement process to make the most of connectivity contracts to benefit local citizens.
carbon footprint, greenhouse gas emissions

Carbon footprint: YouTube usage worse than light left on for a year

Carbon emissions are found to be at an all-time high, as the world’s YouTube usage is found to be worse for your carbon footprint than leaving a light on for one year.
tuberculosis (TB) mortality, Mortality from TB

Male and female mortality from TB in rural and urban Victorian settings

Alice Reid and Richard Smith, University of Cambridge explore the links between tuberculosis (TB) mortality, occupations, rural and urban residence and migration in late Victorian Scotland.
boris johnson's tax reforms

What could PM Boris Johnson’s tax reforms mean for you?

Paresh Raja, CEO, Market Financial Solutions, highlights Prime Minister Boris Johnson's tax reforms and reviews what impact they could have for investors and taxpayers.
change in the workplace

Neuroscience: Managing change in the workplace

Hilary Scarlett, speaker, author and consultant at Scarlett & Grey, provides an insight into how we can manage change in the workplace and highlighting the importance of belonging, with a specific focus on neuroscience.
NHS frontline services, capital funding

PM Johnson announces £1.8 billion for NHS frontline services

Today (5 August) PM Johnson announces £1.8 billion for NHS frontline services: But where will it go, what will it do and where did it come from?
mobile devices, Rivetz

Decentralising security for mobile devices: Is blockchain the viable solution?

Steven Sprague, Cofounder and CEO of Rivetz reveals a viable solution when it comes to decentralising security. He argues that there is great promise for creating mobile device security with blockchain technology.
reducing carbon emissions

Hydrogen helping the environment, reducing carbon emissions

Morry Markowitz, President of the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association details how policies have been implemented that increase the role of hydrogen in various applications – including transportation as one method reducing carbon emissions.
emotional support

Improved emotional support needed for people with diabetes

A Diabetes UK survey of more than 2,000 adults with diabetes from across the UK found that 15% have needed specialist emotional support to help them cope with the demands of living with the condition within the last year.
infection prevention

Infection prevention: Overcoming challenges in sepsis diagnosis

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group discusses the concerns with overcoming challenges in sepsis diagnosis.

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