North America Analysis

Open Access News

shutdown the internet, sudan protests

Sudan has shutdown the internet to stop protests

Sudan’s ongoing internet shutdown is a gross violation of human rights and should be lifted immediately, along with stopping ongoing violent attacks against protesters.
force against hong kong, extradition bill

Violent police force against Hong Kong protesters

In Hong Kong, protesters who are fighting the implementation of an Extradition law have faced violent police force.

What is Bitcoin Cryptocurrency?

Bitcoin this, Blockchain that. All we ever hear about lately is how cryptocurrencies and the blockchain are going to transform the world. But what exactly is this new tech and how does it work?.
zero emissions by 2050, major economy

Theresa May announces legislation for zero emissions by 2050

Legislation laid today puts the UK on the path to become a major economy to set net zero emissions target in law.
alcohol use by children, children's behaviour

More intense alcohol use by children with lenient parents

Researchers found that children are more likely to start drinking alcohol, drink more frequently and get drunk if their parents have a lenient attitude towards drinking.
brainwaves to treat pain, chronic pain condition

Phone app uses light, sound and brainwaves to treat pain

Scientists at The University of Manchester are developing a smartphone application connected to goggles which flashlight at a special frequency to use brainwaves to treat pain.
vehicle battery

£23 million funding awarded for electric vehicle battery development

Companies across the UK are set to benefit from £23 million government investment to help them develop the latest electric vehicle battery technology.
mother with mental illness, northern ireland

25% of children have a mother with mental illness

One in four UK children between the ages of 0 and 16 have a mother with a mental illness, according to a team of University of Manchester researchers.
thefts rise

NHS laptop and mobile thefts rise by one third

Laptops, mobiles, tablet computers, and televisions amongst items reported lost or stolen from hospitals across the country as thefts rise by one third.
employee's social media

Can you legally monitor an employee’s social media?

Paul Holcroft, Associate Director at HR consultancy Croner explains whether employers can legally monitor an employee's social media and what they need to be wary of.
security europe 2019

Highlights from day two of Information Security Europe 2019

It was a full house for the opening keynote of Day 2 at Information Security Europe 2019 – Europe’s number one information security event.
miscarriages in Honduras, abortion is illegal

Jail sentences for miscarriages in Honduras

Abortion is illegal in all circumstances, including rape and incest, whilst women are currently facing serious jail time for miscarriages in Honduras.
chinas environmental industry, chinese government spending

Opportunities and challenges in China’s environmental industry

In this article, Micah Hostetter discusses the next step for China's environmental industry, with a focus on Chinese government spending.
greener energy sector

Tough market conditions are rife in the energy sector – but who is to...

As climate change concerns become more prominent and demand for a greener energy sector grows, we look at the problems facing the UK and wider energy markets.

New bio-technology system to improve water quality in Devon

A cutting edge bio-technology system is being tested by Highways England to improve water quality around a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) in Devon.
innovation economy, R&D tax

Complacency is jeopardising the innovation economy

Adam Kene, MD at Kene Partners, R&D tax incentive advisors, details how complacency is jeopardising the innovation economy here.
urban transformation

Climate change: Urban transformation and the relevance of critical infrastructure

Urban transformation and the relevance of critical infrastructure is placed under the spotlight here by Prof Dr Daniela Jacob at Climate Service Centre Germany (GERICS).
day one of infosecurity europe

Highlights from day one of Infosecurity Europe

Renowned broadcaster Kate Adie delivers keynote speech on day one of the Infosecurity Europe conference programme: Cybersecurity 4.0: Complexity, Risk & Resilience.
Men's health week, male breast cancer

Men’s Health Week: Raising awareness about male breast cancer

During Men’s Health Week (10-16 June 2019) Breast Cancer Haven aims to raise awareness of breast cancer amongst the male population and remind the public that the charity’s services are available to anyone affected by the disease.
child is choking, Child Safety Week

Child Safety Week: What to do if your child is choking

Daisy First Aid provides tips on what to do if your child is choking and highlights the top 5 choking foods as Child Safety Week commences.

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