North America Analysis

Open Access News

autism and learning disabilities

Measures to improve care for people with autism and learning disabilities

The new measures include a working group for learning disabilities and autism and funding specialist advocates to review the care of patients in segregation or long-term seclusion.
global energy issues, eskom

South Africa and global energy issues

After being substantially weakened by accusations of corruption, South Africa’s national energy supplier Eskom has been forced to undertake load shedding to help the country’s struggling infrastructure survive in terms of global energy issues.
ePassport gates

Government expands use of ePassport gates to 7 more countries

Eligible travellers from 7 non-EU countries can now use ePassport gates to enter the UK quickly and securely in changes being made to the border.
130,000 trees

£10 million government fund awarded to plant over 130,000 trees

A new £10 million plan will see more than 130,000 trees planted across England’s towns and cities, Environment Secretary Michael Gove announces.
pledge with blood campaign

Pledge With Blood campaign launches to end UK period poverty

Intimina is asking the nation to #pledgewithblood to help spread the word about poor menstrual hygiene and remove the stigma attached to the issue.
clinical trial participants

Clinical trial participants soar across England

Numbers have reached record highs with over 870,000 clinical trial participants involved in research studies supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) over the last year.
with dementia

Up to 2 million will live with dementia by 2050

According to the Alzheimer Society 850,000 people in the UK have dementia but with 1 in 6 people over the age of 80 living with dementia, this is predicted to rise to over 2 million by 2050 as the population ages.
Better Health Programme

Foreign Secretary commits £70 million to Better Health Programme

Jeremy Hunt commits £70 million funding over three and a half years for the Better Health Programme, a range of health initiatives that could improve the lives of up to 150 million people across 8 emerging economies.
stop overmedication, care homes

NHS experts brought into care homes to stop overmedication

An army of experts have been recruited by NHS England to stop overmedication of care home residents, aiming to improve older people’s health and care under the NHS Long Term Plan.
UK government welfare cuts, food poverty

UK government welfare cuts increase food poverty

UK government welfare cuts over the past decade have left families in England without enough food to eat, in a breach of the government’s duty to ensure adequate food.
urine DNA test, urothelial cancer

Promising urine DNA test could detect urothelial cancer

Scientists have developed a promising urine DNA test that is capable of detecting urothelial cancer.
strategic partnership agreement

UK and Ghana sign strategic partnership agreement

UK and Ghana sign strategic partnership agreement on economic development, regional security, health, education and inclusion.
twitter disinformation, facebook google and twitter

Facebook, Google and Twitter disinformation investigation

Today, the European Commission published the reports and analysis of the progress made in April 2019 by Facebook, Google and Twitter to fight disinformation.
bangladesh arrests, social media posts

Bangladesh arrests critics over social media posts

Bangladesh arrests multiple anti-government critics over social media in their crackdown on the right to free speech, Human Rights Watch said today.
civic tech, government support

Government support is a key factor for civic technology

Dr Rebecca Rumbul, Head of Research, mySociety highlights why government support is key for civic technology, here
gas and oil industry

How is the gas and oil industry using technology to be more sustainable?

The gas and oil industry has turned to technology to be more sustainable in today's environmentally conscious world.
cryptos effect, crypto fraud

Crypto’s effect on the wider markets

Cryptocurrencies have been in vogue for several years, and everyone who works in the finance industry has a story or two about what the effects of crypto have looked like to them.
poverty statistics

New poverty statistics to help government target support

New poverty statistics developed and published by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) will help target support more effectively.
confidence and stability

Mental Health Awareness Week: Instilling confidence and stability in your staff

As we celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week, it’s important to focus on positive mental wellbeing and promote confidence and stability in the workplace.

European Union for the deaf calls for improved accessibility

Seattle recently passed a law making closed captions and subtitles a legal requirement in places of public accommodation; European Union for the deaf requests improvements to Accessibility Act.

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