North America Analysis

Open Access News

hobby farms

Why are hobby farms growing in popularity?

Here, we highlight some of the most common reasons people start hobby farms and why you may want to consider starting one of your own.
social housing sector, customer experience

How can the social housing sector improve its customer experience?

The social housing sector must see tenants in the wider context and improve its customer experience, Chris Proctor, CEO at Oneserve discusses here.
modern working world

How valuable are exams to employers?

With 81% of students admitting to feeling pressure to finding a job within six months of graduating, Fresh Student Living has looked at how valuable exams are to employers in the modern working world.
human rights abuses, world press freedom day

Journalists who uncover human rights abuses “under increasing attack”

On World Press Freedom Day, Amnesty International UK are calling for increased protection for journalists working to uncover human rights abuses in the UK.
handling food, food waste

How can we improve the efficiency of handling food to reduce food waste?

With up 90% of food wasted and lost before the product even reaches supermarket shelves Robin Travis, Managing Director at Renby Ltd explores how to improve the efficiency of handling food and erasing double handling.
digital future, NHS, paperless

The race to paperless: How the NHS is moving towards a digital future

Jonathan Elliott, Director and General Manager, Public Sector at Xerox comments on how the NHS is moving towards a digital future and eliminating paper.
protecting women MPs, twitter and FB

Twitter and FB are not protecting women MPs from abuse

The Joint Human Rights Committee accused Facebook and Twitter of failing to do enough to protect female MPs and other public figures from online abuse during an evidence session yesterday (1 May).
HR and recruitment

How can artificial intelligence help in HR and recruitment?

Sam Davies, CEO and co-founder of RealLinks.IO discusses how artificial intelligence and technology can support many business functions, such as HR and recruitment in the digital age.
personalised IBD treatment, prognostic test

New prognostic test could make personalised IBD treatment

Scientists at the University of Cambridge have developed a new test that can reliably predict the future course of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in individuals, transforming treatments for patients.
net zero carbon buildings

UK Green Building Council announces framework for net zero carbon buildings

The UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) has unveiled a framework for the UK construction and property industry to transition new and existing buildings to become net zero carbon by 2050.
Accelerated Access Collaborative

Government announces improvements to the Accelerated Access Collaborative

Department of Health and Social Care announces improvements to the Accelerated Access Collaborative (AAC) that will put the most promising medicines, diagnostic tools and digital services through clinical development and regulatory processes faster.
uk climate emergency, climate change, extinction rebellion

UK “climate emergency”: What does it really mean?

After the vote on Wednesday, Parliament has shown that it intends to be symbolically at war with climate change with the declaration of a UK “climate emergency”.
importance of STEM skills

The importance of STEM skills and closing the gap

Mark Brownridge, Director General of the Enterprise Investment Scheme Association (EISA) highlights the importance of STEM skills for the future of the private sector and how to close the current gap, here.
use cbd

41% of Londoners would use CBD to manage their mental health

Research reveals Londoners are the most anxious and have the worst work-life balance in the UK and many would choose to use CBD oil rather than seeing their GP.
internet technology

5G potential: How does is compare to other Internet technology?

Experts predict that 5G will be able to reach speeds of up to 10,000Mb per second (10GB/s), but how does it compare with other Internet technology - and what will its impact be?
outdoor workspaces

Outdoor workspaces can have a positive impact on your health

Lloyd Coldrick, Managing Director of Cobus discusses why outdoor workspaces aren't just aesthetically pleasing but affect you mentally and physically too.
brexit uncertainty

How can small businesses cope with Brexit uncertainty?

Dun & Bradstreet's report revealed that 40% of UK SMBs experienced slowed growth and falling exports due to Brexit uncertainty and a third felt that the struggle to calculate its impact was making planning and future growth challenging.
old drivers

Should older drivers be banned from the roads?

A and YouGov survey has revealed that 49% of Brits want older drivers banned from the roads completely.
cloud innovation

How can people-powered health drive cloud innovation?

Cleveland Henry, Director of Cloud at UKCloud discusses the topic of properly handling and storing patient data using cloud innovation, here.
heart failure treatment, erectile dysfunction

Sex drug could be the next heart failure treatment

The University of Manchester found that a drug used for erectile dysfunction can slow or even reverse the progression of heart failure of sheep.

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