North America Analysis

Open Access News

sustainable food production

Health, environment and economy: Sustainable food production at FoodParks

Håkan Sandin, Horticulturist at Swedish University of Agriculture explains sustainable food production and why the three areas of health, environment and economy are crucial in this vein.
STORE&GO research

How billions of helpers are producing methane from CO2, water and renewable energy

Around 700 billion microorganisms are producing methane from CO2, water and renewable energy in the STORE&GO research facility, as Dr Frank Graf from DVGW Research Centre at Engler-Bunte-Institute of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) describes.
the plant microbiome

Harnessing the plant microbiome for commercial applications

Philippe Rolshausen, Cooperative Extension Specialist based at University of California, Riverside, explains how the plant microbiome can be harnessed for commercial applications.
retinal eye disease

Advancing research and developing new therapies for inherited retinal eye diseases

Takeshi Iwata, Division Director at the National Institute of Sensory Organs, National Hospital Organization Tokyo Medical Center, tells us about advancing research and developing new therapies for inherited retinal eye diseases.
Uk palm oil sustainability, animal extinction

How is UK palm oil sustainability stopping deforestation?

In this article, the role of UK companies via palm oil sustainability is examined as part of the cure to animal extinction.
drug monitoring in cancer

Point-of-care devices for therapeutic drug monitoring in cancer treatment and beyond

DiaChemo is a European project developing a platform technology for point-of-care devices for therapeutic drug monitoring in cancer treatment and beyond, reveals Dr Silke Krol, Head of the Translational Nanotechnology Lab and Coordinator of the DIACHEMO Project.
south korea decriminalises abortion, south korea constitutional court

South Korea decriminalises abortion after 66 years

Today (11 April 2019) there was a ruling by South Korea’s Constitutional Court that told the government to decriminalise abortion in the country and reform abortion laws by 2020.
the green transition

Supporting the green transition: A unique building project in Denmark

Peder Vejsig Pedersen, Senior Advisor at European Green Cities outlines a unique building project, Copenhagen International School (CIS) as an example of supporting the green transition.
optical system design

The challenges of optical system design for modern optical technologies

Toralf Scharf, Senior Scientist/Faculty Member at École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) enlightens us on the challenges present when it comes to optical system design for modern optical technologies.
black hole image seen, supermassive black hole

Black hole image seen by humanity for the first time

Scientists working with the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) have revealed the fruits of an all-consuming attempt to see the impossible: In 2019, we now have the first-ever image of a black hole.
neurotrophin signalling

Complexity of neurotrophin signalling in the nervous system

Momoko Takahashi, a Doctoral Student at Northwestern University, explains the complex research of neurotrophin signalling in the nervous system in this report.
data centres

Co-location data centres and privacy regulations

What do you need to consider as a customer when it comes to co-location data centres and privacy regulations? Green Mountain Data Centres Ltd tell us more.
rehabilitation devices, robotic-assisted rehabilitation devices

Robotic-assisted rehabilitation devices: A wearable hand/finger rehabilitation robot

Jen-Yuan (James) Chang, Professor at the Department of Power Mechanical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan, explains the essentials for robotic-assisted rehabilitation devices, including a design example of a wearable hand/finger rehabilitation robot.
energy-harvesting materials

Research focus: Exploring novel energy-harvesting materials

Yuzuru Miyazaki, Professor at the Department of Applied Physics, Graduate School of Engineering, at Tohoku University enlightens us on his research on exploring novel energy-harvesting materials.
sustainable growth, smart city

Planting the seeds of sustainable growth in our cities

In this article, George Adams discusses how cities are the engines powering the development of the human race: How does sustainable growth factor into this vision?
global death penalty, death sentence

Global death penalty executions fell by 31% in 2018

Research by Amnesty shows that the known global execution rate has decreased, but the political situation within multiple countries is getting worse: What is the global landscape right now on the death penalty?
proper diabetic retinopathy

Proper diabetic retinopathy (DR) monitoring improves health and saves money

Petri Huhtinen from Organisation Optomed OY Ltd argues that proper diabetic retinopathy (DR) monitoring improves health and saves money.
don't sleep for days, sleep deprivation

What happens to the body when you don’t sleep for days?

In this article, the health impact of when you don't sleep for days is explored: Find out what happens to you cognitively, physically, mentally and hormonally.

Centre for Doctoral Training in Prosthetics and Orthotics

The UK is set to train many more highly skilled engineers in prosthetics and orthotics following the announcement of a new global centre of excellence based at the University of Salford.
neighbourhood diversity, generational differences

Perceptions of neighbourhood diversity: Are there generational differences?

Dr Kirsten Visser, Utrecht University, explores if there are generational differences in the perceptions of neighbourhood diversity.

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