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Open Access News

common lung conditions, heart disease

Research links common lung conditions to heart disease

The University of Manchester found that patients with common lung diseases are substantially more likely to suffer a heart attack and develop other major heart problems.
OGEL IT, digital services

Helping government bring IT back in-house

OGEL IT discuss the services they provide to help the government bring IT back in-house, in this report.
flexJET project

flexJET project: Converting flexible waste biomass into sustainable aviation fuel

The Horizon 2020 flexJET project, coordinated by the University of Birmingham, will validate a new integrated process to produce sustainable aviation fuel from waste biomass, Dr Miloud Ouadi explains here.
essential global resource, WHO regional office for Africa

Water: The essential global resource

Mr. Mbayo Guy Kakumbi, Technical Officer and Dr Bagayoko Magaran, Senior Scientist from The World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Africa reveal their stance on the essential global resource of water.
purple day, children with epilepsy

Purple Day 2019 – Helping children with epilepsy live better

Epilepsy Action is calling for people to support Purple Day, and start talking about the effects that epilepsy has upon those living with the condition, and their family and friends.
G Cloud 11, supplier applications

G-Cloud 11 is open for supplier applications

The UK Government have re-opened their G-Cloud 11 for supplier applications: read more to find out what that means for your business.
advancement of cancer research

The advancement of cancer research for the public benefit

European Association for Cancer Research’s Chief Executive Officer, Jane Smith, explains why the advancement of cancer research is purely for the public benefit, as well as the importance of collaboration in the field.
millennial engagement

The secret to millennial engagement? Progressive politics!

Maria Joao Rodrigues, President of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) and Vice President of the S&D Group in the European Parliament, argues that the secret to millennial engagement is progressive politics.
unlimited source of energy

Fusion: Clean, safe and virtually unlimited source of energy for future generations

Laban Coblentz, Head of Communication at ITER takes us on a journey of discovery when it comes to fusion as a clean, safe, virtually unlimited source of energy for thousands of future generations.
poverty and social exclusion

A social challenge for Europe: The fight against poverty and social exclusion

Anna Lisa Boni, Secretary General, EUROCITIES explains why the fight against poverty and social exclusion is a social challenge for Europe.
stop child obesity, type 1 diabetes

Checks from early age crucial to stop child obesity

University of Oxford and Manchester researchers found that children monitored regularly for height and weight from an early age will be less likely to experience child obesity.
EU completes preperations, no deal preperations, european commission advice

Brexit: EU completes preparations for possible “no-deal”

As it is increasingly likely that the United Kingdom will leave the European Union without a deal on 12 April, the European Commission has today completed its “no-deal” preparations.
increasing crack use, 2018 serious violence strategy

UK government publish report on increasing crack use

Public Health England and the Home Office have published an investigative report on the rise in crack cocaine use in 6 areas of England.
EU exit mitigation plan, continuity of patient care

Healthcare solutions partner publishes EU Exit mitigation plan

HealthTrust Europe (HTE), today (25 March) published their EU Exit mitigation plan to counter risk from Brexit, to further support the continuity of high-quality patient care.
metabolic, diabetes therapy

Metabolic data key to individualise diabetes therapy

Peter Robins, from Metabolic Health Solutions (MHS), describes how a new clinical management tool can help individualise treatment of obesity and Type 2 diabetes.
blockchain pilot, world bank project

World Bank blockchain pilot sows fresh narrative for Haiti’s farmers

AgriLedger, an agricultural-focused blockchain systems provider, is working on a World Bank backed pilot that offers end-to-end full traceability through their platform to enable transparency along the value chain.
qingjiang fossils, cambrian explosion, china fossils

Qingjiang fossils reveal 50 creatures unknown to scientists

Scientists discovered mysterious, soft remains dating back 541 million years ago in the Qingjiang fossil site at China’s Hubei province.
progressive state leadership, politics of national borders

What is progressive state leadership today?

Professor Richard Beardsworth, Aberystwyth University, examines what progressive state leadership is in the world of politics and how it can be implemented.
blockchain a revolution in, blockchain technology

Blockchain: A revolution in marketing

Blockchain technology was perceived by many as a global revolution in many areas, as well as a tool used by drug dealers and smugglers.
climate change research centre

UK gets new £5 million climate change research centre

Cardiff University has been selected as the main hub for a £5 million climate change research centre to explore how we can live differently to achieve the rapid and far-reaching emissions cuts required to address climate change.

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