North America Analysis

Open Access News

illegal content online

Cybercrime, illegal content online: We don’t have to turn a blind eye

Marsali Hancock from EP3 Foundation underlines that we don’t have to turn a blind eye concerning cybercrime, illegal content and harmful activities online.
government support for LGBT, LGBT history month

LGBT History Month: UK government support for LGBT groups

Twelve organisations working to improve the lives of LGBT people in the UK have been awarded government funding: new research published shows how public attitudes to same sex relationships have changed in 30 years.
full-time UK employees

Three in ten full-time UK employees plan to change jobs in 2019

Two-fifths of full-time UK employees feel undervalued and believe they are better than their boss – particularly high earners and those in large firms.
Procurement conundrum, G-Cloud

Solving the procurement conundrum

In recent years, it’s fair to say that the UK Government has been working harder to do more business with SMEs to level the playing field in the procurement conundrum.
gender equality

Why gender equality is a critical economic challenge

Professor Jane Turner OBE DL, Teesside University, explains why we require a significant shift in attitudes and beliefs regarding gender equality in this country.
building smart city, smart city sustainable

Building smart cities needs more than just technology

There are questions to be answered on building smart cities: how should people be housed? How should they travel? How should waste product be managed?

Solving the plastic problem with biopolymers

Two scientists from Teysha Technologies discuss how organic material can now be turned into a viable plastic substitute.

Creating urban tree biodiversity within a uniform street tree landscape

Dr Nina Bassuk, Professor at the Urban Horticulture Institute, School of Integrative Plant Science, explains creating urban tree biodiversity within a uniform street tree landscape.
tackle ethnic disparity, racism UK university

UK Universities must do more to tackle ethnic disparity

The UK Government has launched measures to tackle ethnic disparity of achievement between ethnic groups in higher education.
Immune System

Intramembrane proteases in the immune system

Prof Dr Regina Fluhrer from the LMU & DZNE in Munich and Prof Dr Bernd Schröder from the TU in Dresden, Germany, explain how intramembrane proteases contribute to the proper development of immune cells.
knife crime prevention orders, UK knife crime

UK Home Secretary: new Knife Crime Prevention Orders

The UK Home Secretary is changing the government’s response to knife crime and will be introducing new Knife Crime Prevention Orders to prevent criminals carrying blades.
economic partnership agreement

EU-Japan Economic Partnership agreement enters into force

The Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between the EU and Japan enters into force on 1 February 2019, allowing businesses and consumers across Europe and Japan to take advantage of the largest open trade zone.
lessening CO2 emissions, GDPR effects

GDPR is lessening CO2 emissions by 360 tonnes per day

A new study has shown that GDPR is actually benefitting the environment 360 tonnes of CO2 is being saved every day from sending fewer marketing emails.
world leader

UK to become world leader in cyber security

The UK is set to become a world leader in the race to eradicate some of the most damaging cyber security threats facing businesses and better protect consumers.
future of IP

What role does Blockchain play in the future of IP?

In this article, Toni Nijm, Chief Product & Strategy Officer, CPA Global, outlines what blockchain technology is and how it could impact the future of IP.
US businesses, veterans, digital skills gap

Filling the digital skills gap: why US businesses are looking to veterans

US businesses are calling in reinforcements to fill the ever-widening skills gap that pervades the tech sector: our military veterans.
rail schemes

Five carbon-cutting rail schemes awarded multi-million funding

Five projects have been chosen for development funding in the Department for Transport’s (DfT's) First of a Kind (FOAK competition, which focuses on innovative rail schemes that can cut the carbon footprint of the UK’s railways.
public sector round off, next big technology trends

From Cloud to Automation: how will the public sector round off FY19?

As 2019 gets fully underway, many IT teams will be looking for the next big technology trends to help boost their business.
waste disposal

Is the UK on track to hit 2020 waste disposal targets?

Every year in Britain, households throw away around 22 million tons of waste into the bin but recycling rates have plummeted to around 44%, despite the target set at 50% by the year 2020.
northern ireland abortion rights, landmark legal case abortion

Sarah Ewart: landmark legal case for Northern Ireland abortion rights

This week, the Belfast High Court will hear a case that could find Northern Ireland’s abortion law in breach of the UK’s human rights commitments.

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