North America Analysis

Open Access News


Study finds majority of Brits are unprepared for their financial futures

New research by lMoneySuperMarket, reveals many people in the UK haven’t even started thinking about their pension or saving for when they retire.
Open Source Intelligence

Automatically finding new cybersecurity threats with Open Source Intelligence

Monitoring cybersecurity-related posts in social networks and blogs can give security analysts an edge in discovering new threats against ICT infrastructures, according to Alysson Bessani.
Cybersecurity Act

EU negotiators agree on Europe’s Cybersecurity Act

The European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission have reached a political agreement on the Cybersecurity Act which reinforces the mandate of the EU Agency for Cybersecurity
therapeutic drug monitoring

Point-of-care devices technology for therapeutic drug monitoring in cancer treatment and beyond

Christian Siebel and Dott.ssa Bianca Posocco detail the work of DIACHEMO, a Euroepan project developing a platform technology for point-of-care devices for chemotherapeutics and other drugs.

Waterloo Station busiest in Britain for 15th year

Waterloo is the busiest station in Britain for the 15th consecutive year, despite the total number of passenger entries and exits falling by five million to 94.4 million
new year

The key to preventing new year staff departures

One4all Rewards survey reveals the secret to avoiding resignations in the new year rush for jobs 
pelagic fish

The utilisation of pelagic fish: Challenges and possibilities

Turid Rustad from the Department of Biotechnology and Food Science, NTNU, reveals the challenges and possibilities when it comes to the utilisation of pelagic fish, including catch that is used for human consumption.
education and training

The priorities for education and training in the Irish state

Open Access Government explores the priorities for education and training in the Irish state, following the appointment of Joe McHugh TD as the Minister for Education and Skills, replacing Richard Bruton TD in the role during October 2018
tenancy deposit

98% of Brits unaware of tenancy deposit rights

A brand new survey of over 1,000 Britons involved in the UK private rental sector has found a staggering and worrying lack of knowledge when it comes to tenancy deposit laws and rights

Environmental research: A future for advanced marine LTER data

Ilaria Nardello from European Marine Biological Resource Centre details the future for advanced marine LTER.
supply chains BioLife

A global biomedical ecosystem: Improving the world’s supply chains

Genevieve Leveille, Venture Partner of BioLife and Co-Chair of the TechUK DLT Working Group explores how current advances in DLT will improve the world’s biomedical supply chains when it comes to life sciences health care
crude and natural gas

Indonesia has highest capex on crude and natural gas projects in Southeast Asia

Indonesia has highest capital expenditure (capex) on planned and announced crude and natural gas projects in Southeast Asia over the period 2018–2025, according to GlobalData
agricultural health

Protecting and promoting U.S. agricultural health

The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has a wide-ranging mission that includes protecting and promoting U.S. agricultural health, as this article by Open Access Government Editor, Jonathan Miles uncovers.
personalised medicine

Personalised medicine in Estonia: Breaking down healthcare silos

Riina Sikkut, Minister of Health and Labour of the Republic of Estonia offer her thoughts on personalised medicine and how this is breaking down healthcare silos

Engineer or researcher? Spot the difference!

Julien Scheibert & Alain Le Bot, researchers at CNRS/Ecole Centrale de Lyon share their thoughts on the respective roles of engineers and researchers.
new genes

RCSI research finds eleven new genes associated with epilepsy

Researchers at the Royal College of Surgeons (RCSI) in Ireland have found new genes linked to epilepsy which could inform the development of new treatments for the condition
hearing loss

Supporting biomedical research: A focus on hearing loss

We look at the the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD)'s work around helping those with hearing loss.
leave the eu

UK free to revoke its decision to withdraw from EU, says Court of Justice

The Court of Justice of the European Union, has ruled that the UK is able to renounce its decision to leave the EU without the permission of the other EU member countries.

Accessibility: The key to making government work better

Joshue O Connor, Head of Accessibility (Interim) at Government Digital Service (GDS) argues that accessibility is the key component of making government work better.
plant science in europe

Improving the impact and visibility of plant science in Europe

The European Plant Science Organisation discuss improving the impact and visibility of plant science in Europe plus an example of research in the field.

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