Open Access News

chronic health issues

Active couch potatoes are at risk of chronic health issues

Employees are wrongly assuming that keeping active during leisure time will protect them from the danger of sitting for long periods when working in an office, a new study has found
workplace environment

HR professionals say workplace environment contributes to sickness levels

New research carried out by HR consultants AdviserPlus has revealed 64% of HR professionals say that a poor workplace environment can 'substantially' contribute to...
global breakout

Ethereum cryptocurrency predicted to experience global breakout

Ethereum, currently the second largest cryptocurrency after Bitcoin, will experience a “monumental, defining global breakout” when smart contracts can accept outside data
two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication and why it matters for public sector organisations

Paul Parker, chief technologist, federal and national government, SolarWinds looks into the importance of two-factor authentication for the public sector as digital crime increases

Businesses future proof cybersecurity ahead of regulation deadline

Government will highlight 'operators of essential services' to comply with new requirements set out in the Network and Information Systems Directive (NIS).
power cuts

Power cuts in Britain: the battle businesses face

Some businesses have prepared themselves to cope with such situations, but most have not. Power cuts aren’t only difficult to deal with when you’re at home, but in a work environment, this can cause lost productivity – can your business afford it?
infectious disease

Health experts argue complacency increases the risk of infectious disease

Health professionals say a combination of antimicrobial resistance and complacency among other reasons are increasing the risk of infectious diseases. 
changing jobs

Why 98% of employees are changing jobs every 5 years

An increasing number of workers are placing more importance on job satisfaction and happiness rather than money and ‘a job for life’ with more of us changing jobs due to workplace unhappiness 
STEM Inspiration Awards

UK Hydrographic Office receives Highly Commended STEM Inspirational Awards

The UK Hydrographic Office has been awarded Highly Commended STEM Inspiration Awards ahead of National STEM Day, in recognition of their outstanding commitment to encouraging young people into science, technology, engineering and mathematics careers

Isle of Wight festival promotes Biosphere Reserve bid

The Isle of Wight's Area of Outstanding Natrual Beauty (AONB) has bidded to become England's third UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.
knowledge of space

Advancing the knowledge of space through science

The work of The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) in advancing the knowledge of space, through science and using its discoveries to benefit Canadians and all of humanity, is detailed here
citizens and the Environment

Future strategy will protect EU citizens and the Environment from Endocrine disruptors

Today the European Commission has adopted a Communication, confirming its commitment to protecting citizens and the environment from hazardous chemicals
smart cities

Data expert discusses interconnected smart cities and cities of the future

Russell Poole, Managing Director, at global interconnection and data centre company Equinix shares his vision for cities of the future.

Why energy-from-waste plants are less harmful than firework displays

Indaver share their insight into the development of energy-from-waste (EfW) over the years and outline the many ways by which developers work to ensure that their plants do not pose a risk to human health
work-life balance

Scandinavian countries beat Britain on good work-life balance

Denmark and Sweden sit at the top of the list for finding the perfect work-life balance while the UK came in at an unlucky 13th position.
T levels

£8 million initiative will boost teacher skills ahead of T levels

Teachers and staff across the country will benefit from a new £8 million professional development offer, being developed by the Education and Training Foundation (ETF), to help them prepare for the roll-out of new T Levels
work-related stress

HSE release Talking Toolkit to help employers manage work-related stress

The Health and Safety Executive has launched 'Talking Toolkit', an online resource which gives advice to employers on how to reduce work-related stress.
hearing loss

Research into deafness, hearing loss and tinnitus: Towards a cure

Chief Executive for Action on Hearing Loss, Mark Atkinson charts the priorities for research into deafness, hearing loss and tinnitus towards a cure
future of the office

The demise of the 9-5: What will the future of the office look like?

With the aim to uncover what the future of the office will look like, video web conferencing provider PowWowNow delved into research and interviewed experts and young professionals to outline the changes society is bringing to the workplace

Experts say radiotherapy is ‘undervalued’ and ‘needs greater investment’

A new report by the Marie Curie Legacy campaign suggests at least a quarter of cancer patients in Europe who need radiotherapy don't receive it.

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