Open Access News

medicinal cannabis

80% of people willing to ask doctor about medicinal cannabis

A survey by Rehab 4 Addiction using Facebook reveals more than 80% of people aged 55+ are contemplating asking their doctor about medicinal cannabis following the upcoming the change that’s due to kick in next week

Low Pay Commission welcomes new national wage rates

The LPC are happy to see that their recommendations to up national wage rates have been actioned by the Chancellor in the autumn Budget.
flexible working

Employees still feel uncomfortable requesting flexible working

New research from Addeco Group has revealed that 13% of employees still feel uncomfortable requesting flexible working
low-paid work

Falling behind at 18 years old leaves low-paid work as only option for many

Think tank finds learners that fail to get GCSE-equivalent qualifications by 18 years old often fail to recover, with cuts to adult learning meaning they become trapped in low-paid work
2018 budget

What the 2018 Budget means for Scotland

Scottish Secretary David Mundell welcomes the Chancellor’s 2018 Budget as a great deal for people in Scotland 
budget for potholes

£420 million budget for potholes welcome but it is not enough

British drivers spend £1.7 billion repairing damage to their vehicles as a result of potholes every single year, according to new figures released following the Governments new budget announcement 
Budget 2018

Budget 2018: The main points you need to know

Chancellor Phillip Hammond announced the final pre-Bexit Budget yesterday and here is a summary of the main issues raised during his speech.
endocrine disrupting chemicals

Fighting Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) in our water: Where to begin?

Mikael Khan, Director of Technology at Arvia Technology lifts the lid on Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) in our water supplies
Horizon 2020 funding

246 SMEs selected for Horizon 2020 funding to bring their innovations faster to market

A total of 246 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from 24 countries have been selected for the EU's Horizon 2020 funding
Multiannual Financial Framework

European Union: Multiannual Financial Framework

Javier Doz Orrit, EESC Member for the Spanish Comisiones Obreras Trade Union and Rapporteur for the EESC opinion on the 2021-2027 MFF, European Economic and Social Committee, tells us everything we need to know about the EU Multiannual Financial Framework
graduate employment

Top 20 universities in the UK for graduate employment

The knowledge academy have pulled data from QS Graduate Employability Rankings, to find out which universities in the UK are among the top 20 for graduate employment
skills employees

UK sector vacancies outweigh student enrolments

With continuous demand for skilled employees in some of the country’s highest growth sectors, the UK skills gap is a major and well-publicised crisis that, according to a report by Open University, costs the country more than £2bn a year
the Budget

What can we expect from the final pre-brexit Budget?

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Phillip Hammond has drawn up the final Budget before Brexit which he will present later on today (29th October 2018).
school run stress

10% of parents have hit another car as a result of school run stress

MORE TH>N Car Insurance teams up with child psychologist, Sam Wass to recommend tips and techniques on how to survive school run stress
public sector

Challenges faced by the public sector: Shared ambitions lead to shared success

Paul Bradbury, Group Business Development Director, Civica explains how shared ambitions lead to shared success when it comes to the challenges faced by the public sector
ocean energy

Ocean energy: Time to unleash the current

Gesine Meissner MEP, Special Envoy to the President of the European Parliament on Maritime Policy, shares her thoughts on ocean energy and why now is the time to unleash the current so that renewable technologies in Europe are pushed forward

Birmingham art-tech agency celebrates Bitcoin’s 10th birthday

Thomas Crown Art, the Birmingham based art-tech agency is set to merge cryptocurrencies and pieces of art to celebrated Bitcoin's 10th anniversary.
dementia sufferers

Halloween causes severe fear and confusion in dementia sufferers

Halloween is a fun time for many, dressing up, collecting as many sweets as possible and joining in on the community spirit. However, for dementia sufferers, Halloween can cause severe fear and confusion
Diabetes monitoring

Diabetes monitoring and drug delivery innovation fields: The scenario for big technology synergy

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group provides a market perspective on the diabetes monitoring and drug delivery innovation fields and explains why these are a scenario for big technology synergy
eu research

Former EU Research Commissioner voices concerns over R&D focus

Máire Geoghegan-Quinn took to twitter to reach out to  research chiefs in order to share her concerns over keeping the EU's 2021-2027 R&D programme focused on excellence.

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