Open Access News

intelligence for cryptocurrencies

Blockchain: How a treasury system will foster better collaborative intelligence for cryptocurrencies

Bingsheng Zhang from Lancaster University reveals how a treasury system will enable a better collaborative intelligence for cryptocurrencies
sustainable energy worldwide

New food production systems need sustainable energy worldwide

Swedish Surplus Energy Collaboration explain the reasons as to why sustainable energy worldwide is a requirement if we are to continue producing food in the future for an ever-growing population
digital transformation

How independent software vendors can help drive the dream of digital transformation

Andrew Cowling, Channel Marketing Services at Fujitsu Scanners explains how independent software vendors can help drive digital transformation
ischemic heart disease

Cardiovascular science: Novel advances in ischemic heart disease (IHD)

Novel advances in ischemic heart disease (IHD) are placed under the spotlight here by Luigi Marzio Biasucci MD from Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A Gemelli who specialises in cardiovascular science
global market

eHarvestHub gives small farmers centre stage on the global market

Our global economy is leaving our small farmers behind, yet they produce more than 60% of the fresh food we consume. eHarvestHub gives farmers direct access to the global market making our food more affordable and accessible, as this analysis from Alvaro Ramirez at eHarvestHub reveals 
vacant property

Is your vacant property being secured the best way?

Stuart Woolgar, CEO, Global Guardians Management explains the rudiments of property guardianship and asks us to consider if a vacant property is being secured the best way possible
micro air vehicle

Image-based sensing enables adaptive micro air vehicle missions

Wolfram Hardt, Professor at Chemnitz University of Technology gives insight into high-performance image processing for adaptive unmanned micro air vehicles (MAVs)
post-Brexit trade deal

The potential of a post-Brexit trade deal with China

The 29th March 2019 is only getting closer, but we don't seem to be any closer to striking a deal with the European Union regarding Brexit
blockchain-based governance model

A blockchain-based governance model for public services in smart cities

Stefan Junestrand, CEO of Grupo Tecma Red and a member of the European Blockchain Observatory shares his thoughts on what a blockchain-based governance model for public services in smart cities looks like

IP EXPO Europe celebrates huge success in 13th year running

It has been another triumphant year for IP EXPO Europe as it all kicked off with a captivating keynote delivered by astronaut Colonel Chris Hadfield who shared his unique experience of space travel and considerations for the next leap of mankind 

e-learning systems helps healthcare industry manage diabetes changes

An intriguing e-learning programme that helps busy healthcare practitioners stay abreast with changes in diabetes management.

Turning radiation damage into an opportunity for nanotechnology

As part of the imaging of nanoscale phenomena, exploring the fundamentals of electron matter interactions to turn radiation damage into an exciting opportunity for nanotechnology is discussed here by Postdoctoral Researcher, Anna Elsukova from the Technical University of Denmark.
baltic sea region

Advanced power electronics promotes the green transition in the Baltic Sea Region

The Interreg 5B project Power Electronics for Green Energy Efficiency (“Green PE”) helps companies in the BSR to transition towards more efficient products using next-generation power electronics.
Climate policy

Finland: A higher level of ambition in climate policy is needed

Markku Ollikainen, Professor of Environmental and Resource Economics at the University of Helsinki’s Department of Economics and Management details why a higher level of ambition in climate policy is greatly needed in Finland

Plasma-Jet-Driven-Magneto-Inertial-Fusion (PJMIF) – A status report

Professor Y. C. Francis Thio and Dr. Douglas Witherspoon from HyperJet Fusion Corporation, Chantilly, Virginia in the U.S. present the latest exciting developments around Plasma-Jet-Driven-Magneto-Inertial-Fusion (PJMIF)
mental health

The impact of mental health and physical treatments on wellbeing

Sarah Bateup, Chief Clinical Officer at Ieso Digital Health, introduces the first in a two-part series of articles demonstrating how combining mental health treatments with physical treatments can have a positive effect on the overall wellbeing and outcomes for patients

Cybersecurity monitoring: A critical concern

Alysson Bessani, LaSIGE – Faculdade de Ciências at Universidade de Lisboa, details the importance and limitation of current cybersecurity systems
zero energy buildings

From net zero energy buildings to autonomous city districts: A necessary step towards the...

Professor Marc Frère of the University of Mons Research Institute for Energy looks at the arguments for creating low energy demand buildings
blockchain in manufacturing

Blockchain in manufacturing: The perfect match

The expertise of a thought leader on blockchain in the enterprise, Sadiq Quasim, Director from Loyakk Ltd is profiled here, as well as the important role of blockchain in manufacturing today
The Apprentice

What ‘The Apprentice’ can teach us about the workplace

Each year tens of thousands of people apply to take part in Alan Sugar’s The Apprentice, and whilst the blunt ‘you’re fired’ may not be typical of every workplace, there are some valuable lessons for anyone who wants to be a success in the workplace

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