Open Access News

NHS patients

NHS patients willing to pay more tax to improve services

More than four in five of NHS users would be willing to pay more tax to secure significant improvements to the service, according to a new poll commissioned by the NHS Confederation
diabetes specialist nurse

Addressing the shortage of diabetes specialist nurses

Over three and a half million people in the UK are currently living with diabetes, and as that number continues to increase, the role of the diabetes specialist nurse (DSN) is becoming increasingly important. Swansea University Medical School responds to this training gap
G-Cloud 10

SMEs given opportunity to supply cloud computing services to government with new G-Cloud 10

The new G-Cloud 10 framework, which could eventually be worth £600 million, is now open for business and thousands of SMEs are lining up to provide their services to the government
new medicine

Type 2 diabetes: Progressing novel scientific insight into new medicine

The gap in the long process of progressing a novel scientific insight into a new medicine is often called “the valley of death”. Read below to understand how the strategic alliance between University of Oxford and Novo Nordisk is aiming to combat type 2 diabetes by bridging this gap.

The governance of emerging nano-risk in the semiconductor industry

Dr Dimiter Prodanov from IMEC sheds light on the governance of emerging nano-risk in the semiconductor industry in this summary workshop report.

Compliance: Reassurance in today’s complex and fast- changing world

Stuart Woolgar, CEO of Global Guardians Management Ltd explains why compliance is a reassurance in today’s complex and fast-changing world
treatment of cancer

The diagnosis and treatment of cancer in the United States

The vital work of the National Cancer Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health, is placed under the spotlight here by Open Access Government, including the dissemination of new findings on the diagnosis and treatment of cancer
green hydrogen

Hydrogen is finally getting attention from Norwegian politicians

Green hydrogen is an important piece of the zero-emission puzzle, both in Norway and the rest of the world, according to Vegard Frihammer from Greenstat
Business security

Business security challenges to the exponential growth of the Internet of Things (IoT)

James Aguilan, QA cybersecurity trainer at QA Limited details the business security challenges when it comes to the exponential growth of the Internet of Things (IoT)
local authorities

Using data analytics to create new opportunities for local authorities

Steve Shirley, Vice President of Public Sector at Mastercard provides insight into using data analytics to create new opportunities for local authorities
innovation happen in Europe

Making innovation happen in Europe

Martin Kern, Interim Director at the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union, tells us about making innovation happen in Europe 
digital transformation

NHS England: Digital transformation in the NHS

NHS England’s views on digital transformation in the NHS are assessed here by Open Access Government.
skills and qualifications

A new Europass for better communication of skills and qualifications

Marianne Thyssen, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility explains how a new Europass ensures better communication of skills and qualifications in Europe today

Preparedness can help your organisation survive the unexpected

Daren Howell from Sungard Availability Services explains exactly how preparedness can help your organisation survive the unexpected.

WiFi connectivity enhancing the patient hospital experience during the NHS’s 70th anniversary

Innovative, state-of-the-art WiFi is the key to ensuring patients have the best hospital experience
air con servicing

UK drivers spent over £100k in two weeks on air con servicing due to... has revealed that drivers in the UK have spent more than £100k on air conditioning services in the last two weeks due to the heatwave

HSCN Security: Sharing the responsibility, halving the problems

With cyberattacks like WannaCry grabbing the headlines and bringing the NHS under increased scrutiny, it is now essential that healthcare organisations have their affairs in order when it comes to security and data protection

Oceans heated by volcanic ridges and seamounts

Dr Karen Bemis from Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey gives a fascinating explanation of how oceans are heated by volcanic ridges and seamounts

The challenge facing patients with ‘Diabesity’

Chester Medical school shed light on the link between obesity and diabetes, the challenge facing patients with ‘Diabesity’ and the research contribution of the school in solving this problem

“Erythropoiesis in and out of the body”

Members of the RELEVANCE consortium – Anna Bogdanova, Francesca Aglialoro, Marieke von Lindern, Emile van Akker, Ashley Toye, and Pedro Moura – explain their thoughts on erythropoiesis, in and out of the body.

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