Open Access News

digital, data and technology

The GDS: Leading digital, data and technology for the UK government

The work of the Government Digital Service (GDS) in leading lead the digital, data and technology function for the UK government is examined here by Open Access Government
Open Data

Advancing open access and open data in higher education

Jaime Adams and Anne Mims Adrian, PhD shares their views on advancing open access and open data in higher education
diabetes prevention

NHS England Diabetes Prevention Programme

NHS England’s Diabetes Prevention Programme is placed under the spotlight by Open Access Government 
Stairway to Excellence

Cohesion Policy beyond 2020: Commission renews ‘Stairway to Excellence’ initiative

Today the Commission is renewing the initiative 'Stairway to Excellence', to continue to provide tailored support and expertise to regions lagging behind in terms of innovation
the NHS

Positioning the NHS: the good and the bad

Over the last few years, it has been discovered that too many patients are being treated as if they were emergencies. Is it all bad for the organisation though? Join Tilly Bailey & Irvine Law Firm as they weigh up both the positive and negative aspects of the NHS
Quantum matter

Physics: Inside quantum matter and beyond

Román Orús from Institute of Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University takes us on a journey through the complexity of quantum systems

NHS to benefit from £20.5 billion funding boost over the next 5 years

The Prime Minister has announced that the NHS will receive increased funding of £20.5 billion per year by the end of five years
paediatric cancer

The role of collaboration in tackling paediatric cancer

Prof. Martin Schrappe, President of the European Society for Paediatric Oncology details the vital role of collaboration in tackling paediatric cancer across Europe
carbon footprint

‘Green driving’: How to lower your carbon footprint when driving

Not sure how you can become eco-friendlier and lower your carbon footprint when your driving? Check out these top tips from mobility dealer, Lookers
mid-sized cities

Mid-sized cities: The key to inclusive growth in the UK

Cllr Peter Box, Chair of Key Cities takes the stance that mid-sized cities are key to inclusive growth in the UK
flexible work

Technology and flexible working patterns: Transforming the way we work

Richard Morris, UK CEO of International Workplace Group (IWG) explains how technology and flexible working patterns are transforming the way the public sector and other organisations work in the UK today 

Inter- and transdisciplinary research on yam systems for improved food security in West Africa

Professor Emmanuel Frossard from ETH Zurich and his collaborators from Switzerland and West Africa experiment in the YAMSYS project, a novel approach for improved soil and crop management in yam systems
Educational philosophy and theory

Educational philosophy and theory: Priorities and new directions for research

The editorial team of Philosophical Inquiry in Education, Bruce Maxwell, Lauren Bialystok, Kevin McDonough and David Waddington, outline their views on promising new directions for research in educational philosophy and theory
industrial strategy

New online tool transforms Science Minister into #ScienceSpotlight avatar

Science Minister Sam Gyimah, will appear as an avatar on the Twitter channel for the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy — on a fortnightly basis — to promote the government's work into science, research and development as part of the modern Industrial Strategy.
health data

Turning health data into knowledge to improve lives

Amanda White, Director of Communications and Marketing at Health Data Research UK, reflects on the opportunities to harness the UK’s strengths in data science to transform health 

Improving the government’s accountability to the public: A view from the UK

Benoit Guerin, senior researcher at the Institute for Government, argues that better accountability for the government can deliver concrete benefits to citizens.
tuberculosis vaccine

The current status of tuberculosis vaccine development

Helen McShane, Professor of Vaccinology at The Jenner Institute, University of Oxford reveals the current status of tuberculosis vaccine development in the world today.
ultra-low emission vehicles

More than 50k ultra-low emission vehicles registered for the first time in the UK

A report conducted by private number plate specialists, has shown that during the past year, over 53,000 new ultra-low emission vehicles (ULEV) were registered for the first time in the UK
public services

How smart cities can learn from the model of targeting gaps in public services

Hannah Kaner, Smart Cities Strategist at Orange Bus explains how smart cities can learn from the Uber model of targeting gaps in public services

Cannabis: One of the most thoroughly studied plants ever

David Bearman, M.D., Executive VP of the American Academy of Cannabinoid Medicine details the research priorities for cannabis, one of the most thoroughly studied plants of all time 

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