Open Access News

safeguard their data

UK consumers believe businesses don’t know how to safeguard their data

New research shows trust in organisations is diminished as UK consumers vow to punish businesses that fail to safeguard their data and reward those that put data protection first

Multiverse theories in physics from the vantage point of philosophy

Dr Simon Friederich from University College Groningen sheds light on multiverse theories in physics from the perspective of philosophy
extracurricular activities

Too many extracurricular activities for children can do more harm than good

The growing demand for children to get involved in extracurricular activities outside of school is placing unprecedented strain upon families

Airports are ill-equipped to deal with a major cyber-attacks

Research conducted by PA Consulting Group reveals that most airports are ill-equipped to deal with a major cyber-attack.
blood pressure screening

World Hypertension Day: Blood pressure screening could prevent millions of premature deaths

The chief cardiologist at the United States’ top-ranked heart hospital has praised a campaign to ensure fair access to blood pressure screening, saying it could prevent millions of premature deaths every year
cryptocurrency adverts

The impact of social media cryptocurrency adverts bans on the market

The relationship between social media and cryptocurrency is proving to be one with a considerable amount of controversy, twists and turns, David Sapper takes a closer look, in this article
cholera in Yemen

UK aid helps protect against cholera in Yemen

UK aid helps vaccinate over 450,000 people to prevent the spread of deadly cholera in Yemen

A renewable agenda for research and innovation

The European Commission today presents its contribution to the informal discussion that Heads of State and Government will hold in Sofia on 16 May 2018 on research and innovation and the steps needed to ensure Europe's global competitiveness
trade finance deal

HSBC use blockchain technology to complete first trade finance deal

Global banking giant, HSBC completed the first ever trade finance deal using blockchain technology.
debt help

UK consumers feel unable to ask energy provider for debt help

More than half (52%) of people in the UK feel there is a negative stigma attached to asking for debt help, according to new research
cryptocurrency predictions

May cryptocurrency predictions

Cardano (ADA) forecast to see biggest price growth by 1 June at 40%, according to new cryptocurrency predictions

A robotic spy among bees

European researchers are developing little robots able to interact with animal societies such as bees. They believe that creating mixed societies of animals and robots can protect endangered species and the environment
greener economy

24 million jobs to open up by 2030 to support a greener economy

A report produced by the ILO flagship, suggests that 24 million jobs will be created globally by 2030 as we move towards a greener economy.
yearly overspends

Councils warn that yearly overspends on special education are ‘unsustainable’

County authorities say they are in the ‘unsustainable’ position of having to shift schools money towards supporting children with special educational needs to compensate for yearly overspends due to rising demand
stress awareness

Anxiety UK survey highlights importance of raising stress awareness

To mark this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week (14-20 May) theme of ‘stress’,  Anxiety UK launched its own stress test, asking visitors to their website if they are experiencing any of the common symptoms
brexit 2018

The public perception of Brexit in 2018

Research from Morgan McKinley reveals that the UK working population are not happy with the Brexit vote, with 58% of professionals wanting another vote to determine the UK’s future
new gcse's

Pupils prepare to sit new gold-standard GCSE exams

To mark the start of exam season, hundreds and thousands of pupils throughout the UK will sit 20 new GCSE exams this week for the first time.
prepared for GDPR

Getting prepared for GDPR

Plenty of UK businesses have admitted they aren't fully prepared for GDPR. With less than two weeks to go, Alastair Hartrup provides some last-minute advice to those business who may still be struggling
Open Data Adoption

Governments and Open Data Adoption

James Eiloart provides three key considerations for designing systems that will empower citizens to use raw data and turn it into actionable insights, in this article
happy healthcare workplaces

Study finds happy healthcare workplaces are more successful

Employee morale doesn’t just promote loyalty but it can actually improve how effective and productive employees are in their role, according to new research

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