To try to tackle rising energy costs and create better living conditions for UK citizens, the government is rolling out a plan to upgrade private rented homes across the country.
The recent ransomware attack on Leicester City Council is a stern reminder of how vulnerable UK local councils are to increasing cyber threats. How should local councils defend themselves?
Print and post helped make London’s pensioners better off by over £8 million a year, writes Jason Lusty, Senior Business Development Manager at CFH Docmail Limited.
Discoveries illuminate Homo sapiens' presence in Eastern Asia, researchers have new revelations regarding the age and provenance of Homo sapiens fossils discovered in the Tongtianyan cave, situated in the Liujiang District of Liuzhou City, Southern China.
Ted Datta, Senior Director at Moody’s Head of Financial Crime Compliance Industry Practice, Europe, Africa, and Americas, discusses the rise of fraud in the UK and what companies and the government can do to turn the tide.
Over the last two decades, local governments and authorities have faced increased obstacles and challenges that could be solved by using Artificial Intelligence (AI). But is this true? Could AI in local government change the game?
Ralph Cockburn, Senior Counter Fraud Investigator Apprenticeship Tutor at Intelligencia Training discusses combatting fraud in the public sector through prevention skills.
Open Access Government places the spotlight on research, innovation and education policy in Europe, with a particular focus on the European Education Area.
The is a significant potential to mitigate urban health impacts and environmental damages by combining automation and electrification in long-haul trucking.
The UK government has announced significant changes to its trade border procedures, in an aim to strengthen its defences against the threat of pests and diseases from imported goods .