Open Access Government charts the Government of Canada’s policy priorities concerning arts and culture, focussing on the examples of supporting cultural space, museums and creative professionals.
Dr Preethi Kesavan, Director of Studies, Head and School of Advanced Technology and Digital Media at London School of Business and Finance Singapore, charts Japan’s approach to ICT R&D and building a resilient society.
Ian Newbury, Business Development Director at BT Wholesale, describes how small cells can support greener and more sustainable technology infrastructure and facilitate a better digital future for everyone.
As the nation prepares for a general election, local authorities find themselves grappling with mounting uncertainty and pressure to make critical decisions regarding their property portfolios.
According to a study by e2e-assure, the UK’s leading Threat Detection & Response provider, 44% of Financial Services organisations say their cyber security providers are underperforming.
Asal Shirazi, Founder and CEO of the Autoimmune Support and Awareness (ASA) Foundation, explains the challenges in detecting, diagnosing and managing autoimmune conditions.
Richard Hebditch, UK Director of the European Federation for Transport and Environment (Transport & Environment), details what needs to be done to tackle transport emissions in the UK.
Émilie Prouzet, Rapporteur for the EESC opinion on the Long-term competitiveness strategy, states the case to relaunch the European internal market and improve the EU’s long-term competitiveness.
An HIV vaccine candidate developed at the Duke Human Vaccine Institute has demonstrated the ability to trigger low levels of a rare type of neutralising antibodies (bnAbs) in a small group of participants.
A study has shown seawater infiltrating beneath West Antarctica's Thwaites Glacier. This discovery shows the need to reassess global sea level rise projections
Johan Carlegrim, President of Sectra Medical Education, discusses the value and necessity of incorporating advanced diagnostic imaging tools and realistic simulations into the medical curriculum to enhance the learning process for students and improve staff retention in healthcare.
The UK National Audit Office is renewing its focus on helping the government deliver value for money by preventing fraud and error – potentially saving billions for the UK taxpayer.
Florika Fink-Hooijer, Director-General of the Directorate-General for Environment at the European Commission, charts the achievements and perspectives of Europe’s accelerating transition towards a more circular economy.