Open Access Government charts the Government of Canada’s policy priorities concerning arts and culture, focussing on the examples of supporting cultural space, museums and creative professionals.
MaxVal Consultancy can increase your capability to maximise net gain (value), success and return on investment (ROI) by a significant, even dramatic degree. Here, discover a better way to achieve this perennially elusive pinnacle of successful business and organisational IT!
Lorna Rothery spoke to Wendy Davis, Executive Director of Postpartum Support International, about the prevalence of perinatal mental health problems and how inadequate medical education and policies surrounding mental health care can negatively affect new parents.
In today's digital age, combating disinformation is crucial to safeguarding democracy. Here, John Comer, rapporteur for the EESC explores the evolution of misinformation, its consequences, and strategies to empower citizens and protect democratic institutions.
A recent study led by the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC) in collaboration with the University of East Anglia (UEA) has raised concern on the lack of current plans to remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere.
In a study published in Science, Northwestern University researchers have introduced a catalyst with the ability to convert carbon dioxide (CO2) into carbon monoxide (CO), using table sugar.
The recent ransomware attack on Leicester City Council is a stern reminder of how vulnerable UK local councils are to increasing cyber threats. How should local councils defend themselves?
Print and post helped make London’s pensioners better off by over £8 million a year, writes Jason Lusty, Senior Business Development Manager at CFH Docmail Limited.
Discoveries illuminate Homo sapiens' presence in Eastern Asia, researchers have new revelations regarding the age and provenance of Homo sapiens fossils discovered in the Tongtianyan cave, situated in the Liujiang District of Liuzhou City, Southern China.
Ted Datta, Senior Director at Moody’s Head of Financial Crime Compliance Industry Practice, Europe, Africa, and Americas, discusses the rise of fraud in the UK and what companies and the government can do to turn the tide.