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HIIP: Health investment platform marks progress in expanding primary health care

The Health Impact Investment Platform (HIIP) has reached a milestone by completing its inaugural Steering Committee meeting.

Funding provided to train 900 new children’s social workers

Education Secretary Damian Hinds has announced plans to fund 900 new children's social workers up to 2021.

Social housing prioritised for former service personnel with PTSD

Former service personnel suffering from PTSD or other mental illnesses will be prioritised for social housing under new proposals.

Foreign investment and the trouble with exchange rates

Choosing to invest in foreign assets can open up great opportunities, but also presents a challenge that too many people overlook.

Solar powered households guaranteed payment for power provided back to grid

Households and businesses installing new solar panels will be guaranteed payment for power provided back to the grid under government proposals.

Hull’s £42 million tidal flood scheme given go ahead

£42 million tidal flood scheme has now had final sign off from the Secretary of State for the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government

Digital Transformation in 2019 = Artificial Intelligence + Big Data + IoT

Companies have started to use innovation and digital transformation to differentiate themselves and to stay competitive which lead to dramatic growth in cloud computing over the past years.

Why charities cannot afford to ignore digitalisation

Charities must embrace digitalisation to keep pace with the time as new research reveals online donations account of £2.4 billion from the UK.

Disposed Christmas candles will remain in landfill for 1000 years

A report has shown that, far from being a light-hearted stocking stuffer, candles are one of the worst offenders for Christmas-related landfill.

Antimicrobial Resistance – the time to act is now

Research indicates that Antimicrobial Resistance is an issue which claims thousands of lives each year, 10 million by 2050.

Meeting the complex needs of asylum-seeking children

Sue Ross explains how her team provided an environment in which unaccompanied asylum-seeking children can achieve their full potential.

Digital remittances keep 3.5 million children in school worldwide

WorldRemit research finds that switching from offline into digital remittances could free up a further $825 million for education worldwide.

Greater Manchester: radical environmental vision

Greater Manchester’s leaders announced bold environmental vision for the city-region, despite ongoing national Brexit uncertainty.

The future of food and agriculture

Håkan Sandin explores the future of the world’s food supply and the need to reduce unsustainable agriculture, in this analysis.

The social context of innovation

Professor John F. Padgett uses social network analysis to illuminate how borrowing tactics from seemingly unrelated social phenomena converged to facilitate revolutionary change across Florence.

‘Smart homes’ to equip elderly and disabled people with digital skills

A new 'smart homes' scheme will aim to help elderly and disabled people develop digital skills to tackle loneliness in rural areas.

New NHS era: Promising or over-promising?

CE of NHS Confederation comments on government proposal £20.5 billion annual investment, hailed by PM as historic moment.


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