Dr Leonard E.G. Mboera discusses the importance of studying emerging and vector-borne diseases at The Southern African Centre for Infectious Disease Surveillance.
The removal of tariffs on Chinese-made solar panels plus a shift in attitude towards renewables are set to give the European Union a 12% share of the global solar module market.
Maria da Conceição Rangel, Associate Professor at ICBAS_University of Porto and REQUIMTE-LAQV details an aspect of plant nutrition that concerns the design of efficient Fe-shuttles to prevent iron-deficiency chlorosis (IDC).
Technology has presented us with the power to transform the way we live and work, particularly providing life-changing opportunities for disabled people
Steven A. Kautz, Professor at the Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center and the Medical University of South Carolina College of Health Professions gives a glimpse into the future trends for stroke recovery research.
Merja Tepponen South Karelia Social and Health Care District (Eksote) explains why integration is a cornerstone of the organisation’s customer-oriented service development.
Tim Foster, Professor of Food Structure at the University of Nottingham sheds lights on the role of the UK food manufacturing industry in global food science and innovation.
Paul Bentley, Commercial Agreement Manager at the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) details their Spend Analysis and Recovery Services, or SARS II, Framework tool and how this is helping those who spend money to get more value for the public purse.
Dr Ibrahim Socé Fall tells us about the excellent work that WHO Regional Office for Africa is doing around Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).