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The road to adopting Kubernetes for your organisation

This article examines the different routes organisations can take to adopt Kubernetes and how selecting the right strategy can lay the groundwork for sustained growth.

Muscular Dystrophy UK partnership to improve journeys for disabled road users

A new partnership with charity Muscular Dystrophy UK (MDUK) will bring Changing Places accessible toilets to the majority of motorway service areas — making journeys easier for disabled road users across England

Fintech fastest growing research topic on early stage research platform

New analysis from SSRN, Elsevier’s world-leading preprint server and early stage research platform, reveals fintech is the fastest growing area of research.

UK’s productivity puzzle: What can we learn from the UK’s mid-sized cities?

Cllr Imran Khan, Bradford Council and Portfolio Holder for Skills, Key Cities examines the UK’s productivity puzzle, and asks what can we learn from the UK’s mid-sized cities?

Governments across the world urged to engage with ageing populations

A group of global experts on ageing populations will today urge governments across the world to engage better with demographic change.

Eye health progress and impact: Protecting and prolonging vision by research

To mark its 50-year anniversary, the National Eye Institute (NEI) takes stock of its progress in advancing vision research and developing new therapies to treat blinding diseases

£1.5b road improvements project reaches half-way point

The UK's biggest road upgrade has reached its half-way point and is set to transform journeys on one of England's most vital roads.

Digital transformation in the NHS: Interacting with the emergency services

Salvatore Sinno, Global Chief Security Architect at Unisys speaks to Open Access Government about digital transformation in the NHS, including why Brits are calling for a rapid shake-up in the way they interact with the emergency services

Paediatric haematology research in the UK: Starting at the beginning

Why starting at the beginning is so important in paediatric haematology research in the UK is a point impressed on us by Dr Sujith Samarasinghe at Great Ormond Street Hospital, London and Grazina Berry, CEO of the Aplastic Anaemia Trust.

The finances of the European Union, including the research budget

The finances of the European Union, including the research budget is placed under the spotlight by Günther H.Oettinger, Commissioner for Budget & Human Resources at the European Commission

Why wait? Fuel cells leading the global energy transformation today

Morry Markowitz, President of the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association argues why should we wait when fuel cells are leading the global energy transformation today.

Where will Clean Air Zones be located and what exactly are they?

The UK has started to discuss the decision to ban the sale of all new diesel and petrol cars by 2040 in an attempt to clean up the UK's air quality.

Empathy and remaining firm: Two sides of the same coin in management

James Larter from RoleplayUK explores how to find the balance between showing empathy and remaining firm as an important management skill.

Mind the word gap: The difference in poor children’s language skills

Mary Hartshorne, Head of Evidence at I CAN explains the difference in poor children’s language skills when it comes to closing the word gap

Materials: Nanoscale fabrication and nanoscale characterisation

Professor Jakob Birkedal Wagner, Head of Nanocharacterization Section at DTU Nanolab, Technical University of Denmark examines Nanoscale fabrication and nanoscale characterisation.

Gibraltar finance representative to speak at European Parliament on blockchain and governance

Gibraltar Finance has announced that Paul Astengo, Senior Finance Centre Executive, will be in attendance at the European Parliament on Tuesday, 4th December, as part of a panel discussion organised by Blockchain4Europe

Securing industrial control systems by closing the air gap security loophole

Lavi Lazarovitz, Head of CyberArk Labs security research examines security systems, the rise of cyber attacks and the need to increase the protection of our data.


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