Open Access Government charts the Government of Canada’s policy priorities concerning arts and culture, focussing on the examples of supporting cultural space, museums and creative professionals.
Commissioner Phil Hogan shares his remarks on World Food Day 2018 at the Civil Dialogue Group Discussion - Global Food Security, Sustainable Development and Relations with Africa on 16th October 2018, where he charts global efforts to fight hunger and feed the planet in a sustainable way
The early years of a child’s life are some of the most important when it comes to their development, and new research has revealed that parents are more proactive with baby learning than ever before
The latest data by the Office for National Statistics has found that, while the gender pay gap in the UK has fallen to its lowest ever level at 8.6%, the average woman in the workplace still earn less than the average man with the gap even wider for women aged over 40 with 12.8%
Ildar Uysumbayev, Head of the Department of Public Services of the Agency for Civil Service and Anti-Corruption of the Republic of Kazakhstan argues that digitalisation is the key to maximising human potential as we journey towards 2050
Employees are wrongly assuming that keeping active during leisure time will protect them from the danger of sitting for long periods when working in an office, a new study has found
New research carried out by HR consultants AdviserPlus has revealed 64% of HR professionals say that a poor workplace environment can 'substantially' contribute to...
Ethereum, currently the second largest cryptocurrency after Bitcoin, will experience a “monumental, defining global breakout” when smart contracts can accept outside data
Paul Parker, chief technologist, federal and national government, SolarWinds looks into the importance of two-factor authentication for the public sector as digital crime increases
Government will highlight 'operators of essential services' to comply with new requirements set out in the Network and Information Systems Directive (NIS).
Some businesses have prepared themselves to cope with such situations, but most have not. Power cuts aren’t only difficult to deal with when you’re at home, but in a work environment, this can cause lost productivity – can your business afford it?
An increasing number of workers are placing more importance on job satisfaction and happiness rather than money and ‘a job for life’ with more of us changing jobs due to workplace unhappiness
The UK Hydrographic Office has been awarded Highly Commended STEM Inspiration Awards ahead of National STEM Day, in recognition of their outstanding commitment to encouraging young people into science, technology, engineering and mathematics careers
The work of The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) in advancing the knowledge of space, through science and using its discoveries to benefit Canadians and all of humanity, is detailed here
Today the European Commission has adopted a Communication, confirming its commitment to protecting citizens and the environment from hazardous chemicals