Open Access Government charts the Government of Canada’s policy priorities concerning arts and culture, focussing on the examples of supporting cultural space, museums and creative professionals.
Indaver share their insight into the development of energy-from-waste (EfW) over the years and outline the many ways by which developers work to ensure that their plants do not pose a risk to human health
Teachers and staff across the country will benefit from a new £8 million professional development offer, being developed by the Education and Training Foundation (ETF), to help them prepare for the roll-out of new T Levels
The Health and Safety Executive has launched 'Talking Toolkit', an online resource which gives advice to employers on how to reduce work-related stress.
With the aim to uncover what the future of the office will look like, video web conferencing provider PowWowNow delved into research and interviewed experts and young professionals to outline the changes society is bringing to the workplace
Public sector workers are more likely to suffer from stress than those in the private sector according to a survey published on National Stress Awareness Day
EPHA, EUROCITIES and T&E urge the European Commission and national governments to make tackling air pollution from dirty diesel vehicles a political priority for Europe
UK ISA specialist, True Potential Investor, investigates the effects of the growing population in the UK and how much investment is needed for the economy.
Reboot Digital Agency analysed the latest findings from the Institute of Business Ethics, who surveyed 764 UK employees to see if they had compromised...
According to Global Data, if India does not make any changes to its renewable energy policy, it will not reach the ambitious target of installation of 175 gigawatt (GW) of renewable energy capacity by 2022