Open Access Government charts the Government of Canada’s policy priorities concerning arts and culture, focussing on the examples of supporting cultural space, museums and creative professionals.
A new report commissioned by a coalition of 36 health and social care organisations, reveals the NHS could be short of 51,000 nurses – enough to staff 45 hospitals – by the end of the Brexit transition period
The UK’s Artificial Intelligence revolution gets new backing, as the Business Secretary announces five new technology centres of excellence for digital pathology and imaging, including radiology, using AI medical advances
Diabetes UK urges everyone with diabetes - including those who are pregnant - to take up the offer of a free a flu jab to avoid life-threatening diabetes complications winter illnesses can lead to
New polling has found that the majority of the public want the promised additional funding for the NHS to be used to help cut record high waiting lists for elective treatment
Indaver specialise in turning waste into energy using state-of-the-art plants. Here they outline the many benefits this process has to our economy, both locally and nationally
The mission of the European Association for Cancer Research (EACR) to advance cancer research for the public benefit is placed under the spotlight here by Open Access Government
Tenants living in some of the coldest homes in England and Wales are set to benefit from amended regulations requiring landlords to install energy efficiency measures, Energy and Clean Growth Minister Claire Perry announced today
Keiron Shepherd, Senior Security Specialist at F5 Networks, discusses how the threat landscape will change as smart cities become more of a reality and the security considerations we need to make before we begin reaping the benefits of connected devices
Budget will boost efforts to build homes, restore the dream of home ownership, help our high streets and support councils to deliver local services, says Communities Secretary
Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group explains cutting-edge technology synergy in the personalised nanomedicine space, with a special focus on pharmaceutical nanomanufacturing
With Philip Hammond’s pre-Brexit Budget claims that the "era of austerity is finally coming to an end", voice of Maru/edr reveals that only 23% of Brits agree, releasing an immediate snapshot of UK consumers’ reactions and concerns to the news of the Autumn Budget 2018
Thousands more children across the country are now getting a healthy and nutritious start to the day at a new or improved school breakfast club, the Children and Families Minister Nadhim Zahawi has announced today
Northwick Park Hospital is the first in the country to pilot a new 'Uber' style app in its A&E department for staff to hail a porter on their mobile phone
The EUROCITIES Social Affairs Forum met on 23-24 October 2018 in Stuttgart to discuss ‘Anchoring the Sustainable Development Goals to achieve Social Rights for All’