Open Access Government charts the Government of Canada’s policy priorities concerning arts and culture, focussing on the examples of supporting cultural space, museums and creative professionals.
A crackdown on fake medicines and medical devices by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has netted a haul of more than 1 million doses worth in excess of £2 million
Health and Social Care Secretary Matt Hancock has announced how it will take tougher action on stopping fraud and save hundreds of millions of pounds for the NHS over the next 5 years, increasing the money available for improving patient care
Patients could benefit from faster access to treatment under 2 new programmes. The programmes will identify treatment and new technology then speed up their uptake across the NHS
Gavin Hepburn, Director at ATG Access shares his expert perspective on the importance of security in terms of protecting public spaces with pedestrianisation
Nigel Wilcock, Executive Director of the Institute of Economic Development (IED), shares his opinions on the declining high street and ponders if this is a final nail in the coffin of local government services
The number of employees sent on mental health training courses is set to double next year as more bosses wake up to the scale of stress and depression among workforces, says St John Ambulance
As the world wakes up to the impact we're having on the environment, consumers are demanding businesses take action. From a much-publicised move against plastic straws to utilising compostable waste, going green means big changes to the way the catering industry operates
The technological skills that elderly people possess are ranged — they have smartphones, know how to Skype and have their own Facebook profiles. But, does it depend on what country you live in as to whether the older locals have a grip on the latest technology?
Independent energy consultant Joss Clarke believes tech innovations have shown the future can be bright, but the whole sector needs to do its part to make a greener future
The Hate Crime Community Projects Fund has been launched for the third year so organisations in England and Wales could secure up to £75, 000 to tackle hate crime