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Canada: Cultural spaces, museums and creative professionals

Open Access Government charts the Government of Canada’s policy priorities concerning arts and culture, focussing on the examples of supporting cultural space, museums and creative professionals.

How technology is benefitting the education sector

Technology really is everywhere. But, unlike the views of the past, it isn’t here to destroy us all. Quite the contrary, technology is being used every single day to support and benefits all sort of sectors, and the education sector is no different

New Medical Pharmacology degree “could help reduce the NHS financial burden”

Dr Lisa Wallace, Course Director from Swansea University Medical School explains their exciting new Medical Pharmacology degree which “could help reduce the NHS financial burden”

Dyslexic employees could help to solve the skills shortages of the future

The unique way dyslexic people view and interact with the world could help companies meet the challenges of business in the 21st century, according to a ground-breaking new report, by EY and the charity Made by Dyslexia 

The Flexible Heat and Power (FHP) project: Distribution grid connected power to heat resources

Chris Caerts, Product Manager at VITO, detail the FHP (Flexible Heat and Power) dynamic coalitions of distribution grid connected power to heat resources project and how this could provide local and system level services throughout Europe

Exploring the impact of an ageing workforce

The population of the UK is getting larger, with a figure of 65.6 million released by the Office for National Statistics in 2016. But it's not just increasing - the population is getting older too, with 18% of the UK being 65+ and 2.4% being 85+

Neocytolysis: When young red blood cells die first

International researchers are investigating the molecular processes involved in premature clearance from the circulation of young blood cells formed at high altitude after a descent

World Mental Health Day: Discussing mental health with your employees

Emma Bullen from MHR provides practical advice on how managers can initiate conversations about mental health with employees and create a positive culture around mental wellbeing in the workplace on World Mental Health Day 

Why utility companies need to look at agile mobile applications in order to increase productivity

The public utility space is a competitive one, and as this competition continues to increase, Power and Utilities providers are increasingly investing sizeable amounts in infrastructure projects designed to expand their offering

Blockchain: How a treasury system will foster better collaborative intelligence for cryptocurrencies

Bingsheng Zhang from Lancaster University reveals how a treasury system will enable a better collaborative intelligence for cryptocurrencies

New food production systems need sustainable energy worldwide

Swedish Surplus Energy Collaboration explain the reasons as to why sustainable energy worldwide is a requirement if we are to continue producing food in the future for an ever-growing population

How independent software vendors can help drive the dream of digital transformation

Andrew Cowling, Channel Marketing Services at Fujitsu Scanners explains how independent software vendors can help drive digital transformation

Cardiovascular science: Novel advances in ischemic heart disease (IHD)

Novel advances in ischemic heart disease (IHD) are placed under the spotlight here by Luigi Marzio Biasucci MD from Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A Gemelli who specialises in cardiovascular science

eHarvestHub gives small farmers centre stage on the global market

Our global economy is leaving our small farmers behind, yet they produce more than 60% of the fresh food we consume. eHarvestHub gives farmers direct access to the global market making our food more affordable and accessible, as this analysis from Alvaro Ramirez at eHarvestHub reveals 

Is your vacant property being secured the best way?

Stuart Woolgar, CEO, Global Guardians Management explains the rudiments of property guardianship and asks us to consider if a vacant property is being secured the best way possible

Image-based sensing enables adaptive micro air vehicle missions

Wolfram Hardt, Professor at Chemnitz University of Technology gives insight into high-performance image processing for adaptive unmanned micro air vehicles (MAVs)

The potential of a post-Brexit trade deal with China

The 29th March 2019 is only getting closer, but we don't seem to be any closer to striking a deal with the European Union regarding Brexit


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