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Understanding Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

The challenges from diagnosis to treatment mean that ME/CFS can have a dramatic impact on patients' lives. Representatives from the British Association of Clinicians in ME/CFS (BACME) provide further insights.

The key challenges around asthma in Ireland

In this interview, Sarah O’Connor, CEO of the Asthma Society of Ireland charts today’s key challenges around asthma in Ireland and beyond

Indoor air pollution: A silent epidemic

While most of us will not be able to see signs of pollution inside our homes, the air quality of indoor spaces is becoming worse as cars, power plants and construction projects continue to wreak their polluting havoc on UK cities

Freelancers will dominate UK workforce despite job uncertainty concerns

Whilst freelancers will soon be the UK’s dominant workforce, there is still uncertainty around job security and a big issue with the gender pay gap

Summer heatwave see’s solar energy output increase

Sun Investment Group Poland predicts that Europe’s solar energy will see increased outputs due to future heatwaves in the summer; 2018 marked a 20% increase in solar energy production during one of the hottest summers on recent records 

The prospects for education, research and innovation in Germany

Anja Karliczek, Federal Minister of Education and Research in Germany heads up the policy areas of education, research and innovation. This analysis details the work of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

What’s in an aggregate? Therapeutic intervention in Huntington’s

Naoko Tanese from New York University School of Medicine outlines their work around Huntington’s disease (HD) and new targets for therapeutic intervention

Young people fight against plastic pollution

Young people across the country will join together to tackle plastic pollution through a new partnership between the UK Scouts and Government

How apprentices contribute to the UK’s construction industry

Amy Hodgetts, Copywriter for Niftylift Ltd explores just how apprentices contribute to the UK’s construction industry.

The hospitality industry’s relationship with waste

According to Wrap, two million tonnes of waste is generated by the UK’s hospitality industry annually, so what are they doing to combat this issue? 

The Antarctic notothenioid fishes: An especially interesting and unique marine species flock

Arthur L. DeVries, from the University of Illinois provides a comprehensive insight into a unique marine species flock, the Antarctic notothenioid fishes

More than half of Brits don’t know which diseases they’re vaccinated against

A survey of 2,000 Brits revealed 91% are certain they have been immunised in the past - but 55% are unsure of the diseases and conditions they are vaccinated against

Indoor air pollution: A neglected yet important risk to public health

Stephen T Holgate, Special Advisor to the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) on Air Quality and MRC Clinical Professor of Immunopharmacology, University of Southampton takes the stance that indoor air pollution is a neglected yet important risk to public health.

Unemployed households plummets by 637,000

More children than ever before are now living with a working adult as new data shows that the number of UK households without a...

Prostate cancer: A wake-up call for men

Roger Wotton, Chairman of Tackle Prostate Cancer explores the key issues around prostate cancer, the most common cancer in men.

UK aid to help 11 million people access clean energy in Africa

UK aid is supporting the growth of innovative solar technology companies which are providing clean energy to off-grid households in Africa

Can digital transformation, IT security and GDPR compliance all be prioritised?

More businesses than ever are embracing digital transformation; the use of technology to improve processes, productivity and every business’ end game, profitability


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