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Self-sampling could help reduce barriers to cervical screening

A recent study led by experts from the University of Manchester suggests that introducing a UK-wide sampling program alongside the existing cervical smear test could help remove the barriers that prevent people from attending cervical screening.

From molecule to medicine

A report this week from the Office of Health Economics (OHE) shows the amazing impact medicines have had on the NHS and more widely

The infrastructural revolution: Enabling smarter and more liveable cities

Chris Fry, Director, Infrastructure & Regeneration, Ramboll explores how the infrastructural revolution is enabling smarter and more liveable cities.

Traffic jams — how much of a problem has it become across Britain?

Vindis theorise whether knowing where and when is worst for traffic jams across the UK can be another solution for sorting out gridlock Britain.

Broadband boost see’s £9 billion increase for local businesses

Local businesses have seen a combined £9 billion increase in turnover since the boost in their broadband speed, new figures have revealed

The value-based public procurement nurse in Europe

Paul De Raeve, Secretary General of the European Federation of Nurses Associations (EFN) places the value-based public procurement nurse under the spotlight in Europe.

Accelerate your business with imec’s new ‘Corporate Accelerator’ program

Sven De Cleyn explains how Imec’s business accelerator program can help larger companies to fine-tune and launch their tech innovations Imec is opening its imec.istart...

Are healthcare organisations finally making a move to the cloud?

Sam Woodcock, Director Solutions Architect EMEA and APAC at iland, looks at the future of cloud adoption in healthcare organisations, throughout this article 

Smartphone overuse can speed up the ageing process

Millions of Brits risk speeding up the ageing process of their eyes due to excessive time in front of mobile phones, tablets and computer screens, warn health experts at Optical Express

Cutting-edge technology synergy in the personalised nanomedicine space: Focus on 3D printing nanomedicines

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision synergy Group explains the role of cutting-edge technology in the personalised nanomedicine space, with a special focus on 3D printing nanomedicines.

Unemployment rate falls further, with record low youth unemployment

The unemployment rate has fallen further this month, to 4%, and the proportion of young people who are unemployed and not in full-time education is at a record low of 4.7% 

Autonomous vehicles can accelerate the journey towards smarter cities

Dr Ingo Stuermer, Global Engineering Director Autonomous Driving, Aptiv explores the extent to which autonomous vehicles can accelerate the journey towards smarter cities in the future.

Social housing residents to receive new deal

A new deal for social housing residents, as part of the government's commitment to make a housing market fit for the future has been launched by Secretary of State for Communities Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP

Plans confirmed to open Midland Metropolitan Hospital by 2022

The Midland Metropolitan Hospital will open in 2022 after the government and local NHS trust reached an agreement to finish construction work.

University degree vs apprenticeship schemes: which comes out on top?

With this rise of student debt, employment and skills specialist Seetec is finding that more and more are now choosing to take on an apprenticeships to get their dream job.

New research reveals how much Britons know about the impact of health supplements

While a third of the UK describe themselves as 'fairly health conscious', only 5% are aware of the benefits that supplements such as Arsenic can have on their health.

Better government starts with knowing your citizens deeply

Roderick Crawford, Director of Public Sector at SAS UK & Ireland assesses the governments determination to improve the relationship between the general public and the public sector.


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