A new collaboration between the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and Barts Health NHS Trust has led to introduction a new DNA sequencing technology that will diagnose bacterial infections quicker and accurately in hospitals across the UK.
A Dubai-based international court dealing with civil and commercial disputes in the financial industry is planning to launch the world's first blockchain court
Rural communities are coming together to improve their quality of life but feel as though they are becoming more remote, according to research from The Prince’s Countryside Fund and Scotland’s Rural College
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is urging UK taxpayers to come forward and declare any foreign income or profits on offshore assets before 30 September to avoid higher tax penalties
Today the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Esther McVey, has announced increased funding to support businesses that provide extra employment support for disabled people with the greatest barriers to work
Despite evidence that adults who continue to learn after compulsory education experience better health and are more productive, the number of mature students returning to education continues to fall.
During the Hybrid Summit 2018 in Bangkok, software providers HEX Innovation launched a blockchain platform enabled service to be used by the medical sectors.
A new contract has been awarded to leading provider Arch Apprentices which will provide public sector organisations throughout the UK with more access to apprentices.
Leading aerospace universities are joining forces to provide the global aerospace community with a centralised point of engagement for the UK’s top university aerospace research capabilities.
Aviation Minster, Liz Sugg visited the International Aviation Academy to meet the students who will shape the UK's aviation future
During a tour of the...
England’s largest councils have backed government plans to introduce a cap on care – but warn that it must be fully-funded to avoid the collapse of services and care providers.