The challenges from diagnosis to treatment mean that ME/CFS can have a dramatic impact on patients' lives. Representatives from the British Association of Clinicians in ME/CFS (BACME) provide further insights.
Previse, the global instant supplier payments decisions company, has today announced it has been accepted onto the UK Government’s G-Cloud 10 framework
The Government has today published plans to extend mental health provision in English schools and colleges, following a public consultation last year
Reacting to the...
The Department for Transport has set out its Inclusive Transport Strategy, which will improve accessibility across all types of travel for those with both visible and less visible disabilities.
The UK's first ever Global Disability has yielded ambitious commitments from a host of governments and other organisations to tackle discrimination and stigma against people with disabilities
A new report has revealed that more than 2.7 million motorists are being denied use of the optimal greener petrol and are witnessing a poorer performance in their vehicles using the existing E5 petrol.
Around one million public sector workers are set to benefit from the biggest pay rise in almost 10 years, the government announced today (24 July 2018)
Leading women from the food and farming sectors from around the country will join Secretary of State for Wales Alun Cairns at an event to celebrate Welsh women’s contributions to British farming at the Royal Welsh Show today
Levels of severe obesity in children aged 10 to 11 years have reached the highest point since records began, according to new figures published today by Public Health England
Graduates of the National College for High-Speed Rail in Yorkshire are set to play a leading role in designing, building and operating the UK's future rail network, the Transport Secretary has stated
The Department for International Development will today host the UK Government's first ever Global Disability Summit to shine a light on the discrimination and stigma faced by up to 1 billion people globally who have a disability
Richard Robinson joins High Speed 2 as Chief Operating Officer from AECOM and Michael Bradley CB joins as Chief Financial Officer from Defence Equipment and Support
Head teachers will receive more support to reduce teacher workload from unnecessary and time-consuming tasks, under plans set out by Education Secretary Damian Hinds
The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has announced that heat networks in Great Britain must be regulated after publishing the final findings of its 7-month study