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Canada: Cultural spaces, museums and creative professionals

Open Access Government charts the Government of Canada’s policy priorities concerning arts and culture, focussing on the examples of supporting cultural space, museums and creative professionals.

Digitally enabling type 2 diabetes prevention models

Hitachi Consulting sheds light on how they digitally enable type 2 diabetes prevention models

Cities getting smarter by sharing

Anna Lisa Boni, secretary general, EUROCITIES, shares her thoughts on how Europe’s cities are getting smarter by sharing

Innovators race to find sustainable polymer-based materials

Jennifer Unsworth, Senior associate and patent attorney at Withers & Rogers LLP shares her expertise on the race for innovators to find sustainable polymer-based materials

Including refugees in national systems: Examples from Ethiopia

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency details the facilitation of refugees in national systems – with interesting examples from Ethiopia

Understanding stroke in the UK

Esmee Russell from the Stroke Association reveals the extent of stroke as a major health issue in the UK today

Why Leisure Operators Should Employ Energy Champions to Drive Forward Sustainability Commitments

With renewed global concern regarding sustainable development, leisure operators are becoming increasingly aware that a strong environmental policy is crucial to the ethos of their business

Cracking down on plastic pollution

Samantha Harding, Litter Programme Director at the Campaign to Protect Rural England reveals her views on moving towards a deposit return system in the UK for bottles and cans, to crack down on plastic pollution.

Electrical activity as a regulator of induction and the maintenance of specialised tissues

The electrical activity as a regulator of induction and the maintenance of specialised tissues is placed under the spotlight by Graciela A. Unguez at the Department of Biology, New Mexico State University in the United States

The nutritional quality of minor cereals and their role in the human diet

Ismail Čakmak of Sabanci University sheds light on the nutritional quality of minor cereals and their importance in the human diet.

Article 50 – one year on: Progress on research and innovation

Director of Science & Communities at the Royal Society of Chemistry, Jo Reynolds explores the impact of the EU exit on UK research and...

New-build market in the UK to benefit from genuine competition for water connections

John March, Water Director at GTC shares his views on how the new-build market in the UK is to benefit from genuine competition for water connections

Thousands of children will benefit from Heritage Schools Programme

The Department for Education has announced a £1.6 million investment into Historic England’s award-winning Heritage Schools programme. The money will allow the scheme to continue...

Reasons You Should Consider Investing in Bitcoins 

Over the past few years, cryptocurrencies have really started to emerge. More and more people are interested in investing in digital currencies, especially in the most established one - Bitcoin.

An almost zero energy building in Denmark

Peder Vejsig Pedersen & Miriam Sanchez Mayoral from Kuben Management profile an exciting project at Copenhagen International School (CIS) in Denmark that concerns an...

Pursuing physics at the forefront of knowledge

Denise Caldwell, Director, Division of Physics at the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) provides a fascinating perspective on how the organisation is pursuing physics to the forefront of knowledge

The emergence of personalised e-health care

CEO of Liva Healthcare, Kristoffer From explains the emergence of personalised e-health care and asks if e-health can close the gap between doctors and diabetic patients


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