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Canada: Cultural spaces, museums and creative professionals

Open Access Government charts the Government of Canada’s policy priorities concerning arts and culture, focussing on the examples of supporting cultural space, museums and creative professionals.

No more paywalls: Open Access as of 2020

President of the National Research Council of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), Matthias Egger reveals the organisation’s exciting new open access policy in this interview

Central government: you can keep your feet on-premises, but have your head in the public cloud?

It’s no secret that public cloud is becoming an increasingly popular option for enterprises to adopt as a means of storing data in a way that is easily accessible. To encourage the public sector in the U.K. to take the steps required to adopt public cloud, the U.K. government introduced the ‘Cloud First’ policy in 2013; this states that when making technology decisions, all public sector organisations should consider using the public cloud before considering any other options

Treatment of Clostridium difficile associated diseases: One not so small step more… but still, more to come

Prof Colin J Suckling from the University of Strathclyde provides his seasoned opinion on a front-runner antibiotic for the treatment of Clostridium difficile associated diseases.

Combining large corporations’ market reach with start-up innovation power

Imec’s programme manager Sven De Cleyn explains how imec.istart helps boost start-up innovation in large corporation markets

Evaluating multiple treatments within one study: Some practical considerations

Prof Thomas Jaki, Professor of Statistics at Lancaster University’s Medical and Pharmaceutical Statistics Research Unit tells us about some practical considerations around evaluating multiple treatments for patients.

Acute respiratory distress syndrome – diagnostics and therapeutics

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe, from TechVision Group, Frost & Sullivan provides a detailed analysis of acute respiratory distress syndrome, focussing on the evolving diagnostics and therapeutics in the precision era of medicine.

Is local governance ready for climate change?

A group of researchers from the Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) ask if local governance is ready for the effects of climate change.

Work-related musculoskeletal disorders: The path towards absolute prevention

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group provides a comprehensive overview work-related musculoskeletal disorders, focussing on the path towards absolute prevention.

Government announces new funding for immersive technologies

£33 million from the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund will support immersive technologies, with opportunities for businesses and researchers to work together

How will politics impact the energy sector in 2018?

The influence of political change extends far beyond the walls of the House of Commons. Even small acts of legislation can send shockwaves through many different industries, not least the energy sector

The decentralisation of flights in the UK from London to regional hubs

News of a new long-haul route at Doncaster Sheffield Airport, and the building of a brand-new railway station to facilitate the airport has been welcomed by the travel industry in a bid to decentralise flights to and from the UK from London

Government announces new cyber security export strategy to protect UK and allies

International Trade Secretary Dr Liam Fox launched the government’s new Cyber Security Export Strategy (Monday 26 March) to promote the UK’s world-leading expertise and strengthen defence capabilities in the UK and allied countries

Britain’s world-leading creative industries to benefit from £150 million deal

As part of a brand new Industrial Strategy Deal announced today (28th March 2018), the government has teamed up with the Creative Industries Council (CIC), to invest a whopping £150 million into the creative industries, securing the country’s position as a global creative powerhouse.

ORR welcomes improvements for train passengers using ticket vending machines

New and easier-to-use machines and clearer language have helped increasing numbers of passengers buy the right ticket for their journey from station vending machines, according to research by the Office of Rail and Road (ORR)

New manifesto sets out path for biggest modernisation of public services

A new manifesto calling for the most radical modernisation of public services in Britain since the birth of the Welfare State launched yesterday at the Institute for Government

Getting to the truth about giving up plastics

President and technical advisor of the PMMDA and Managing Director of Sumitomo (SHI) Demag UK, Nigel Flowers explores the bad press plastics has been getting since the airing of Blue Planet II, the impact of Brexit on industry standards and the reality of giving plastics up for good.


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