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UKRI launches a £12 Million scheme to strengthen sustainable aquaculture in Southeast Asia

Through UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), the UK Government has announced a £12 million funding scheme to develop sustainable and resilient aquaculture systems across Southeast Asia.

Hundreds of mental health professionals to learn pioneering PTSD treatment

Dr David Muss MD will deliver a one day workshop to hundreds of mental health professions to teach The Rewind technique which can help treat Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) patients

New measures to boost cyber security in millions of internet-connected devices

Manufacturers of ‘smart’ devices will be expected to build-in tough new security measures that last the lifetime of the product

PIMFA comments on the UK’s future economic partnership with the European Union

PIMFA – the UK’s leading trade association for the personal investment management and financial advice sector - welcomes the Prime Minister’s clarification in her Mansion House speech on 2 March of key aspects of the Government’s aspirations for the post-Brexit UK/EU relationship

Blockchains potential in the energy industry

The energy industry is becoming increasingly invested in blockchain and 2018 is expected to bring many new developments

International Women’s Day calls for more female surveyors

Graduate surveyor Charlotte Williams is urging schools to do more to make young women aware of surveying as a career as International Women’s Day approaches

International Women’s Day: BSRIA asks if we are doing enough for female engineers

BSRIA is celebrating International Women’s Day on Thursday 8th March but as an industry – Julia Evans, Chief Executive, BSRIA – asks: are we doing enough to nurture and inspire the excellence of female engineers – both into the construction industry and beyond the ‘glass ceiling’?

Carrefour launches Europe’s first food blockchain

Carrefour will roll out its food blockchain to eight more animal and vegetable products before the end of 2018

New ESRC council announced

The Board of UK Research and Innovation has confirmed the appointment of the new ESRC Council

Short-term increases in inhaled steroid doses do not prevent asthma flare-ups in children

New research by the National Institutes of Health challenge common practice of increasing doses at early signs of worsening symptoms in asthma

BIR calls upon world leaders to implement new concept of a seventh resource

Bureau of International Recycling (BIR) is calling upon world leaders to take bold steps to demonstrate to their countries, and the global population as a whole, how the items we discard and recycle have the power to combat climate change

Petition calls to have biking routes introduced to Google Maps

A petition has been launched calling for biking routes to be added to Google Maps in a response to the needs of 1.25 million British bikers

Bank of England push for regulation of cryptocurrencies will boost crypto market

The Bank of England governor’s comments on the regulation of cryptocurrencies can be expected to help fuel a sustainable recovery for the crypto market

National Apprenticeship Week: supporting young talent

New research suggests 86% of those in senior management positions think industries should emulate sport when it comes to nurturing young talent

Raising awareness of aplastic anaemia

Grazina Berry from Aplastic Anaemia Trust, along with Professor Judith Marsh and Dr Shreyans Gandhi from King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, explore the rare and serious condition of aplastic anaemia (AA)

Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) and acute myeloid leukaemia (AML): Leukaemia patients watching and worrying

Bethany Torr, campaigns and advocacy officer at Leukaemia Care discusses the impact of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) and acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) on patients

Law change will see learner drivers on motorways

Law change could lead to a smarter generation of motorway users as learner drivers get their first taste of motorway driving


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