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Understanding Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

The challenges from diagnosis to treatment mean that ME/CFS can have a dramatic impact on patients' lives. Representatives from the British Association of Clinicians in ME/CFS (BACME) provide further insights.

New discovery for the treatment of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Revolutionary discovery brings hope to lung disease sufferers after scientists from Université Paris-Saclay find a way to stop the deterioration of the arteries

How blockchain could transform the cannabis industry

Rising blockchain technology could be a game changer for legal marijuana, according to small-cap cannabis stock Emerald Health Therapeutics

Mental health issues are having an impact on productivity in the workplace

New survey results reveal that 62% of UK employees have taken a day off work in the last year as a result of stress, depression or anxiety

UK financial service firms falling behind global rivals

Changes in UK policy and legislation could be negatively impacting the financial service industry’s ability to build a globally competitive digital customer experience

New technology could halve the number of liver biopsies needed in the NHS

Digital liver scanning technology could almost halve the number of biopsies carried out on people with fatty liver disease, according to a study

Countdown continues to world’s first ever Global Recycling Day

The initiative from the Bureau for International Recycling (BIR) will call on the world to think “resource” not “waste” when it comes to recycling

Over 50% of businesses increased their cyber security budget amid attacks

According to a recent report, 53% of businesses say their cyber security budget has increased over the last year due to an increase in cyber-attacks

Passengers warned to plan ahead as Network Rail’s Easter projects begin

Network Rail will be delivering more than 400 Easter projects as part of a £118m rail investment across Britain

Electrical safety standards to be improved for private tenants

Recommended new safety measures to better protect private tenants have been published for consultation

Jobs available hit record low at the start of 2018

January experienced a decrease in jobs available and job seekers, according to Morgan McKinley London Employment Monitor

New “brain training” research may help people with schizophrenia

Video game based “brain training” could potentially aid people with schizophrenia, a new study has revealed

Cryptocurrency trade body formed by UK companies

Seven crypto companies operating in the UK have announced the formation of an independent cryptocurrency trade body

‘Universal Basic Opportunity Fund’ could pave way for full basic income

A new Universal Basic Opportunity Fund could anchor workers for the challenges of the 2020s amid widespread economic insecurity, a new paper says

Environment Agency launch campaign to prepare for frequent flooding

The Environment Agency have warned that climate change will cause more frequent flooding in the UK and have launched their 'Flood Action Campaign' to prepare those at risk.

£45 million funding boost to build thousands of new homes

UK projects will receive funding to support the construction of thousands of new homes on council-owned land

Government announce new measures to support the farming industry

A £10 million Collaboration Fund has been set up to help farmers and growers compete against bigger corporations in the food supply chain 


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