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UK expands EV charging network with 1,400+ new sockets at schools and colleges

The UK's transition to electric vehicles (EVs) has reached a significant milestone, with over 1,400 charging sockets now installed at schools and colleges nationwide.

Bitcoin price rises over $5000 amid warnings of a cryptocurrency bubble

The price of bitcoin has risen above $5000 and is now more valuable than gold, generating warnings of a possible cryptocurrency bubble

Changing regulatory rules in financial institutions

Jean Noël Georges at Frost & Sullivan explains how RegTech providers can aid financial service organisations in meeting changing regulatory rules

Bercow: children’s communication skills ten years on

Mary Hartshorne, Head of Evidence at I CAN, the children’s communication charity writes about the importance of good language and communication skills

Energy efficiency a win-win for Canada and industry

The Honourable Jim Carr, Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources, looks at the potential of energy efficiency for the future

Experts warn medical research partnerships could suffer after Brexit

Experts are voicing their concerns that a poor Brexit deal could badly affect medical research partnerships if EU programmes are not replaced

Zero Waste Scotland on the government’s drinks containers return scheme

Zero Waste Scotland reveals their thoughts on the Scottish Government’s plans for a drinks containers deposit-return scheme

How the Scottish Government is taking responsibility for global issues

In an exclusive interview, a spokesperson from the Scottish Government speaks to Open Access Government about how Scotland is fighting climate change

The role of education and educational research for a sustainable future

The European Educational Research Association stresses the important role of education in helping people to participate in a democratic society

Effective prevention and control of infectious diseases

David Partridge from the British Infection Association provides a comprehensive overview of effective infection prevention and control in the UK today

Scottish government to introduce mental health funding boost

The Scottish Government has announced a mental health funding boost of £500,000 in a move announced on World Mental Health day

The importance of cities as partners in successful governance

Anna Lisa Boni, secretary general, EUROCITIES shares her reflections on the growing importance of cities as agenda setters

Backing innovation for commercial success

Dr David Wilkes of Innovate UK explores the importance of driving UK productivity and economic growth by supporting innovation and business Innovate UK is the...

The European union explores new approaches to marine health

Karmenu Vella explains how EU policies will innovate our approach to oceans and help to ensure the marine health of our planet

Time to support ‘non-statutory’ economic development practitioners

The Institute of Economic Development (IED) puts forward the case for supporting economic development practitioners in local government

Mental health staff say cuts have lead to increased assault

Mental health staff have linked cuts to services and staff shortages with an increase in assault and abuse from patients, especially in England 

The future of the natural environment

The UK’s Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Michael Gove sets out his vision for the future of the natural environment In...


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