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NHS breast cancer screening campaign gains an impressive amount of engagement

After the NHS announced the launch of their first ever breast cancer screening campaign, tens of thousands of women have been accessing vital advice on attending mammograms.

PAN-LNG Project: Developing Trans-European transport in Hungary

With funding from the Connecting Europe Facility, the PAN-LNG Project is developing a Trans-European transport infrastructure, starting in Hungary MGKKE, the Hungarian NGV Association, developed...

UK joins Kigali Amendment to tackle global warming

The UK is one of the first countries to join the Kigali Amendment, a major new agreement to reduce carbon emissions and tackle global warming

The impact of stroke in young people

Jukka Putaala from the European Stroke Organisation outlines the effects of stroke in young people compared to stroke in the older generation

How the public sector can achieve start-up style innovation

Innovation in the public sector can be slow-moving. Alistair Smith at Contino explains how government services can get the sleek style of a start-up Although...

Sustainability through technology: The power of N

Popularism and bumper sticker science should not stop us tackling sustainability through technology, argues Ingenuity Lab Director Carlo Montemagno Ingenuity Lab is a unique organisation,...

Living off the grid: Becoming self-sufficient

Andrew Mills outlines how to become self-sufficient and the alternative ways that enable you to switch off from modern life, whilst still living comfortably

Space technology: how space benefits life on earth

M F Warrender highlights how space technology plays an integral role in society and how NASA invests in technology development

An insight into Escherichia coli

Understanding Escherichia coli ecology and evolution in the gut as a commensal is a prerequisite to fight this opportunistic pathogen

Study shows a decline in student mental health

A new study has revealed that student mental health has declined sharply, with fives times as many suffering from mental illness

Government pledges £40 million to boost the British coast

Towns across the British coast are set to receive a share of the £40 million Coastal Communities fund from the government to boost local economies

Britain’s aerospace sector could suffer after Brexit

Experts have warned that Britain's aerospace industries could suffer a loss of investment from companies like Airbus in the event of a hard Brexit

Powerful XFEL X-ray laser goes online in Germany

The powerful XFEL X-ray laser, capable of studying the intricate structure of atoms one by one, has been officially opened in Hamburg, Germany

Understanding cancer through molecular cell biology

Progress in Targeted Therapy and Immunotherapy of Cancer Requires Rethinking of European Reimbursement Practices for Mutation Testing

Northern Ireland could receive ‘special status’ after Brexit

The EU has said that a 'standalone' deal may have to be negotiated for Northern Ireland to allow a 'frictionless' border crossing to the...

Can a new light-based therapy help with Alzheimer’s disease?

Prof Michael R Hamblin of the Wellman Center for Photomedicine at Massachusetts General Hospital discusses a new light-based therapy for Alzheimer’s disease

Teaching unions merge to form National Education Union

Two teaching unions, the National Union of Teachers (NUT) and the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) have formed the National Education Union (NEU)


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