The UK government continues to push the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into public services, with Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) playing an important role in this transition.
Pete Fleischmann, Head of Co-production at the Social Care Institute for Excellence and Karen Newbigging, Senior Lecturer in Health Care Policy and Management at...
Peder Vejsig Pedersen from Cenergia Energy Consultants looks at how integrated PV solutions can be used for smart house building...
At the same time as the...
AG highlights how the European Commission is continually supporting farmers and rural communities.
The agriculture sector is integral to economic development throughout Europe, and even...
Professor Martin Bache from the Rolls Royce University Technology Centre - College of Engineering discusses the growing technology additive layer manufacturing and how it...
Sarah White, Policy and Partnerships Manager (Health) at the national disability charity Sense outlines the importance of healthcare being accessible for people who are...
Antigone Marino, a Member of the European Physical Society, and Researcher at the Italian Research Council’s Institute of Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems, outlines...
Fighting vague and imprecise answers when measuring the quality of care – GoTreatIT software creates visual overview of already completed or ongoing treatment, including...
The European University Association (EUA) and its Expert Group on ‘Science 2.0/Open Science’ are supporting universities in Europe in the transition to Open Science....
Blanca Beato Arribas, Asset Performance Team Leader at BSRIA sheds light on how indoor air quality can impact working environments.
Indoor environments may feel like...
David Mowat, Under-Secretary of State for Community Health and Care at the Department of Health, highlights the Carers Strategy, and how it gives carers the...
Raymond J. Turner, PhD, and Natalie Gugala, PhD Graduate student, University of Calgary discuss the increasing use of metal antimicrobials and the importance of research into mechanisms...
John Hanratty, Head of Pensions North at Nabarro LLP discusses the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) and how the new regulations might impact
With the...
AG highlights how Canada is making strides to become a world-leader in research and innovation…
The government of Canada understands the importance of science and...