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Canada: Cultural spaces, museums and creative professionals

Open Access Government charts the Government of Canada’s policy priorities concerning arts and culture, focussing on the examples of supporting cultural space, museums and creative professionals.

Official website to register to vote crashes before deadline

A deluge of people trying to register to vote before last night’s deadline caused the official website to crash… The government have said that the...

Strengthening partnerships between cities

Hella Dunger-Löper Member of the European Committee of the Regions (COR) outlines the core principles that should shape the EU’s new Urban Agenda… A wall...

Westminster to switch off CCTV to save cash

Council owned CCTV cameras in one of the busiest boroughs of London are being turned off in a bid to save money by Westminster...

Why evidence, not culture, is the key to driving value-based healthcare

David Downing, Director of Health, SAS UK questions whether making a cultural change in healthcare is enough to deliver greater value to patients… The NHS...

Seven police chiefs warn leaving EU could risk UK security

Police chiefs have warned that leaving the EU could put the UK at greater risk of terrorist attacks… In an open letter, former chief constables...

Ofsted issues warning about low education standards in East Midlands

Education standards in the East Midlands are distinctly second division, warns Ofsted chief inspector Sir Michael Wilshaw highlighted figures showing the East Midlands as the...

A national approach to supporting STEM in Ireland

Niamh Lyons, Interim Director of communications, Education and Public Engagement at Science Foundation Ireland highlights the importance of STEM in Ireland, and how the...

Councillors calling for review of extra payments for overseeing elections

Councillors in Edinburgh want a review of “outdated” arrangements under which council chiefs receive extra pay to oversee elections… Edinburgh Council chief executive, Andrew Kerr...

Deadline looming for registration to vote in referendum

Tomorrow is the last day you are able to register to vote for the EU referendum… If you are not already registered, there is only...

How will the EU referendum affect UK fishing laws?

The Prime Minister and Boris Johnston have clashed over the impact of the EU on the UK’s fishing industry… On the BBC’s Countryfile programme, former...

Fight Zika virus before it gets out of control

European Parliament MEP Annie -Schreijer-Pierik (NL, EPP Group) and co-author of the resolution on Zika Virus, sheds light on what more could be done...

UK university raises female wages to close pay gap

The University of Essex is to give its female professors a one-off salary hike to close the gender pay gap with their male colleagues The university...

Scottish historic environment policy document undergoes update

A document which provides a framework for the protection and management of the historic environment has been replaced… The ‘Historic Environment Scotland (HES) Policy Statement’...

London council IT teams urged to build cloud services

London local authority IT teams have been called upon to design and implement their digital services through the ‘SuperCloud’… London Grid for Learning (LGfL) Chief...

A rare opportunity to ‘turn the tide’

Oliver Johnson, Policy Executive at Environmental Industries Commission outlines the challenges caused by flooding and highlights details from the Turning the Tide report... Previously occasional,...

Councils call for more funding to care for child refugees

Councils are calling for more funding to help with the cost of caring for children who have been displaced from their homes… The UK is...


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